Thread: SAC Error Questions

Started: 2017-01-30 22:13:22
Last activity: 2017-02-06 19:06:54
Topics: SAC Help
Ekin Ozlu
2017-01-30 22:13:22
Dear Madam/Sir,

I have some problems in building SAC in cygwin. I have listed my
questions in order as follows:

1. I am using Windows and I installed "cygwin". However, I could not
open "aux" file in Windows and I tried to change its name as ",aux".
In "Makefile" files I replaced "aux" with ",aux", however I think that
I miss a point. How can i solve this "aux" problem?

2. My second question is ".dll" files are missed, how can I get them?

Sincerely yours

Ekin Ozlu

Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey

  • Ekin Ozlu
    2017-02-06 19:06:54
    Dear Madam/Sir,

    I have again some problems in building SAC in cygwin.

    Still I have following ".dll" files are missing error however they are
    existed in my pc, how can I get them?

    - cygwin1.dll
    - cygX11-6.dll
    - cygz.dll
    - cygreadline7.dll

    Sincerely yours

    Ekin Ozlu

    Middle East Technical University
    Ankara, Turkey

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