From: AGI Critical Issues Program <cipinfo<at>>
Subject: Free Webinar on Responses to Induced Earthquakes, April 14
Date: March 24, 2017 at 8:30:23 AM EDT
To: Bill Leith <wleith<at>>
Reply-To: AGI Critical Issues Program <cipinfo<at>>
Dear Colleague,
The American Geosciences Institute's Critical Issues Program is pleased to offer a free webinar, "State Responses to Induced Earthquakes," on Friday April 14, 2017, at 2:00 PM ET.
To register for this webinar, please visit:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We will post a recording of the webinar on the Critical Issues website after the event. If you cannot make the webinar but want to be informed about the recording, please register and we will notify you as soon as the recording is available.
Critical Issues Webinar: "State Responses to Induced Earthquakes"
The surge in recent years of earthquake activity associated with some oil and gas operations, most notably in Oklahoma, has spurred a range of actions and responses from state geoscientists and regulators. States have taken measures to monitor these earthquakes and moderate the activities that may be causing them, particularly the deep underground injection of large volumes of wastewater. Many states with extensive oil and gas operations but little or no increased earthquake activity have also adopted practices to prevent and prepare for potential induced earthquakes in their area.
This webinar features experts from state government in Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio, who will discuss the range of state-level actions and approaches taken by these three oil- and gas-rich states to monitor and reduce the occurrence of induced earthquakes.
• Jeremy Boak, Ph.D., Director, Oklahoma Geological Survey, Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy, University of Oklahoma
• Michael H. Young, Ph.D., Associate Director for Environment, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
• Steven Dade, Geologist 2, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management
We would like to recognize our webinar co-sponsors, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the American Energy Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Institute of Professional Geologists, the Association of American State Geologists, the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and the U.S. Geological Survey
We encourage you to distribute this email and/or the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested. If you have any questions, please contact me at geofellow<at> <geofellow<at>>.
Best wishes,
Ben Mandler
Ben E. Mandler, Ph.D.
AGI/Schlumberger Fellow in Geoscience Communication
Critical Issues Program
American Geosciences Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
Tel.: +1-(703)-379-2480 x164
geofellow<at> <geofellow<at>>
Follow us on Twitter: @AGI_GeoIssues
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American Geosciences Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1507
United States
Subject: Free Webinar on Responses to Induced Earthquakes, April 14
Date: March 24, 2017 at 8:30:23 AM EDT
To: Bill Leith <wleith<at>>
Reply-To: AGI Critical Issues Program <cipinfo<at>>
Dear Colleague,
The American Geosciences Institute's Critical Issues Program is pleased to offer a free webinar, "State Responses to Induced Earthquakes," on Friday April 14, 2017, at 2:00 PM ET.
To register for this webinar, please visit:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We will post a recording of the webinar on the Critical Issues website after the event. If you cannot make the webinar but want to be informed about the recording, please register and we will notify you as soon as the recording is available.
Critical Issues Webinar: "State Responses to Induced Earthquakes"
The surge in recent years of earthquake activity associated with some oil and gas operations, most notably in Oklahoma, has spurred a range of actions and responses from state geoscientists and regulators. States have taken measures to monitor these earthquakes and moderate the activities that may be causing them, particularly the deep underground injection of large volumes of wastewater. Many states with extensive oil and gas operations but little or no increased earthquake activity have also adopted practices to prevent and prepare for potential induced earthquakes in their area.
This webinar features experts from state government in Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio, who will discuss the range of state-level actions and approaches taken by these three oil- and gas-rich states to monitor and reduce the occurrence of induced earthquakes.
• Jeremy Boak, Ph.D., Director, Oklahoma Geological Survey, Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy, University of Oklahoma
• Michael H. Young, Ph.D., Associate Director for Environment, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
• Steven Dade, Geologist 2, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management
We would like to recognize our webinar co-sponsors, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the American Energy Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Institute of Professional Geologists, the Association of American State Geologists, the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and the U.S. Geological Survey
We encourage you to distribute this email and/or the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested. If you have any questions, please contact me at geofellow<at> <geofellow<at>>.
Best wishes,
Ben Mandler
Ben E. Mandler, Ph.D.
AGI/Schlumberger Fellow in Geoscience Communication
Critical Issues Program
American Geosciences Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
Tel.: +1-(703)-379-2480 x164
geofellow<at> <geofellow<at>>
Follow us on Twitter: @AGI_GeoIssues
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American Geosciences Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1507
United States