Thread: Pre-IAVCEI 2017 MSNoise workshop

Started: 2017-05-08 17:48:46
Last activity: 2017-05-08 17:48:46
Topics: Other Meetings
Thomas Lecocq
2017-05-08 17:48:46
*Pre-IAVCEI 2017 MSNoise workshop*

We are pleased to announce a *2-day MSNoise workshop* on*Saturday 12 and
Sunday 13 August 2017*, the weekend before IAVCEI 2017 in Portland!

The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the powers and limitations of
using ambient seismic noise for seismo-volcanological studies using
continuous data, for example using ambient seismic noise
cross-correlation for computing dv/v, surface wave tomography or
microseismic activity tracking. The MSNoise package will be introduced
and then used by participants on provided demo data (from Piton de la
Fournaise volcano). New developments to MSNoise will be presented too:
an easier configuration interface, an improved pluggability and the
demonstration of external plugins currently in development (e.g. Quality
Control, Power Spectral Density, TOMO or SARA). In the framework of this
conference, we will particularly introduce the Seismic Amplitude Ratio
Analysis (SARA) that was specifically designed to track magma migration
at volcanoes using seismic data (e.g., Taisne et al., 2011).

During the first session, we will make sure everyone has the right
software and provide a refresher course on Python/ObsPy. The second
session will contain review presentations related to “the seismic
interferometry” followed by a practical using MSNoise. The last session
will specifically cover the Seimic Amplitude Ratio location technique
and the Ambient noise-based Tomography, before a MSNoise hacking session.

*Day 1:*

* 09.30 – 10.00: Welcome
* 10.00 – 11.00: Installation “party”
* 11.00 – 12.30: Refresher course on Python/ObsPy (version 1.0 & new
* 12.30 – 13.30: Lunch (not provided)
* 13.30 – 15.30: Introduction on Noise – What is Noise? How do we use
it? Cross-Correlation? dv/v? – MSNoise general introduction
* 15.30 – 18.00: MSNoise practical

*Day 2:*

* 09.30 – 10.00: Welcome
* 10.00 – 12.00: Noise-based studies (SARA, TOMO)
* 13.30 – 16.00: Advanced MSNoise Practical (Jupyter notebooks, API, etc)

Because of high organisational costs, we can’t afford to organise this
workshop for free. We have fixed the fee to 230 USD per person. Payments
will be done online directly while registering for the IAVCEI meeting.

To ensure the quality of the experience for everyone, we will not accept
more than 30 participants. Each participant is required to have a
sufficiently decent (and fast!) laptop with software requirements
installed beforehand (instructions will follow). Participants are not
expected to be Python experts at all, but having a little experience in
programming will be useful.

*Information on MSNoise:* MSNoise is the first complete software package
for extracting signal from noise. MSNoise is a fully-integrated solution
that automatically scans data archives and determines which jobs need to
be done whenever the scheduled task is executed (

*Registration:* Via the IAVCEI meeting registration page.

*Worth reading:* Lecocq, Thomas, Corentin Caudron, et Florent Brenguier
(2014), MSNoise, a Python Package for Monitoring Seismic Velocity
Changes Using Ambient Seismic Noise, /Seismological Research Letters/,
/85/(3), 715‑726, doi:10.1785/0220130073 And the release
notes of the latest versions (please read 1.4 and 1.5

Thomas Lecocq & Corentin Caudron

Dr. Thomas Lecocq
Geologist - Seismologist

Seismology - Gravimetry
Royal Observatory of Belgium

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