Thread: Cryoseismology Session CR029 at the AGU New Orleans (12/11-15) meeting

Started: 2017-06-23 04:53:23
Last activity: 2017-06-23 04:53:23
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues — Kindly note the Cryoseismology Session below at the AGU New Orleans (12/11-15) meeting.

Rick, Paul, and Fabian.

Session ID: 26264
Session Title: C029. Recent Developments in Cryoseismology
Section/Focus Group: Cryosphere
Session Viewer Link:

The abstract submission site is now open The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 2 August 23:59 EDT. Abstracts will not be accepted for review after this date.

Session ID#: 26264
Session Description:
Natural seismological source and wave propagation studies allow for the study of fundamental processes and conditions relevant to the state and behavior of glaciers, ice sheets, and other components of the cryosphere. The range of glacial processes recently studied using seismology include basal sliding, subglacial and englacial hydraulics, iceberg calving and collision, the oceanic excitation of elastic and gravity waves, and crevassing. Increasingly, seismographic instrumentation is evolving to make observations in often harsh glacial conditions increasing tractable and informative. We seek contributions that address recent seismological applications to polar and glaciated regions, and welcome the presentation of new scientific results as well as innovative analysis and instrumentation tools in cryoseismology.
Primary Convener: Jeremy Paul Winberry, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, United States
Conveners: Richard C Aster, Colorado State University, Geosciences Department, Fort Collins, CO, United States and Fabian Walter, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Co-Organized with:
Cryosphere, and Seismology


* S - Seismology

Proposed Co-Organized Session with:

* S - Seismology

Index Terms:

0774 Dynamics [CRYOSPHERE]
0776 Glaciology [CRYOSPHERE]
7299 General or miscellaneous [SEISMOLOGY]
Professor of Geophysics and Department Head
Geosciences Department
322E NR Building
Warner College of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1482
(505) 459-4596 (Cell)
(970) 491-7606 (Office)
(970) 491-7826 (Department Office)
(970) 491-0279 (Fax)

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