Thread: Webinar: Down to Earth with an Electric Hazard from Space, 7/26 2 PM Eastern

Started: 2017-07-11 18:42:33
Last activity: 2017-07-11 18:42:33
Topics: Webinars
Please register for Down to Earth with an Electric Hazard from Space on July 26, 2017 2:00 PM EDT at:

Presented by: Dr. Jeffrey J. Love, USGS Geomagnetism Program

Abstract: Electric fields induced in the Earth’s conducting interior during magnetic storms can interfere with the operation of electric-power grid systems. In extreme cases, these geoelectric fields can damage high-voltage transformers and cause blackouts. Maps of extreme-event geoelectric amplitude can help utility companies evaluate the vulnerability of their systems to this ground-level space-weather hazard. We discuss the construction of such maps using data from the EarthScope magnetotelluric survey and from long-operating magnetic observatories. This project is a collaboration between solid-Earth and space-physics scientists, and it is motivated by the U.S. National Space Weather Action Plan.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. NOTE: Registration does not confirm or guarantee you will have a spot during the webinar, as we are limited to 100 participants. Webinars are archived for later viewing at
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