If you’re interested, please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU Fall Meeting session
NH024: Wicked Problems and Deep Uncertainties: Tough Challenges in Natural Hazard Assessment and Mitigation
Natural disasters claim lives and cause billions of dollars of losses around the world. Assessing and mitigating these hazards challenges societies with "wicked" problems, in which crucial information is missing and proposed solutions involve complex interactions with other societal goals. For example: How should we prepare for a great earthquake in areas where tectonics favor such events but we have no evidence that they have occurred and hence how large they may be or how often to expect them? How can we assess the hazard when the recurrence of large earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes is changing with time or is expected to do so? This session delves into the scientific and business issues, utilizing state‐of‐the‐art methods and advanced analytics for better understanding, quantification, and management of natural hazards and risks. We invite contributions from disciplines including hydrology, atmospheric sciences, seismology, computer sciences, machine learning, insurance and risk management.
Seth Stein, Michael S Steckler, Hamed Ashouri and Upmanu Lall
Invited talk by John Rundle “Risk Management in Earthquakes, Financial Markets, and the Game of 21: The role of Forecasting, Nowcasting, and Timecasting
Session Co-Organized with Natural Hazards, Geodesy, and Tectonophysics
Seth Stein, William Deering Professor
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
and Institute for Policy Research
Room F498, 2145 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-3130
NH024: Wicked Problems and Deep Uncertainties: Tough Challenges in Natural Hazard Assessment and Mitigation
Natural disasters claim lives and cause billions of dollars of losses around the world. Assessing and mitigating these hazards challenges societies with "wicked" problems, in which crucial information is missing and proposed solutions involve complex interactions with other societal goals. For example: How should we prepare for a great earthquake in areas where tectonics favor such events but we have no evidence that they have occurred and hence how large they may be or how often to expect them? How can we assess the hazard when the recurrence of large earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes is changing with time or is expected to do so? This session delves into the scientific and business issues, utilizing state‐of‐the‐art methods and advanced analytics for better understanding, quantification, and management of natural hazards and risks. We invite contributions from disciplines including hydrology, atmospheric sciences, seismology, computer sciences, machine learning, insurance and risk management.
Seth Stein, Michael S Steckler, Hamed Ashouri and Upmanu Lall
Invited talk by John Rundle “Risk Management in Earthquakes, Financial Markets, and the Game of 21: The role of Forecasting, Nowcasting, and Timecasting
Session Co-Organized with Natural Hazards, Geodesy, and Tectonophysics
Seth Stein, William Deering Professor
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
and Institute for Policy Research
Room F498, 2145 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-3130