I installed SAC as follows:
-I changed my ".bashrc" by adding the lines:
Export SACAUX = / home / sac / aux
Export SACDIR = / home / sac
Export PATH = / home / sac / bin: $ PATH
As well as:
Export PATH = $ {PATH}: / bin / sbin: / lib: / usr / lib: /home/luz/sac/bin/sacinit.sh
-Also, I modified my file "sacinit.sh", changing:
Export SACHOME = / home / sac
- In a new terminal I executed: source .bashrc
Then, the resulting error is:
Total 25.45
And that's all it tells me.
I installed SAC as follows:
-I changed my ".bashrc" by adding the lines:
Export SACAUX = / home / sac / aux
Export SACDIR = / home / sac
Export PATH = / home / sac / bin: $ PATH
As well as:
Export PATH = $ {PATH}: / bin / sbin: / lib: / usr / lib: /home/luz/sac/bin/sacinit.sh
-Also, I modified my file "sacinit.sh", changing:
Export SACHOME = / home / sac
- In a new terminal I executed: source .bashrc
Then, the resulting error is:
Total 25.45
And that's all it tells me.
Hi, Aurora,
Did you try remove the space?
Like this "Export SACAUX = /home/sac/aux"
For all commands
Prof. George Sand L. A. de França
Observatório Sismológico
Instituto de Geociências
Universidade de Brasília
+55 61 31071298
www.obsis.unb.br [1]
www.intrasis.unb.br/sand [2]
Em 2017-07-28 20:38, aurora santiago escreveu:
I installed SAC as follows:
-I changed my ".bashrc" by adding the lines:
Export SACAUX = / home / sac / aux
Export SACDIR = / home / sac
Export PATH = / home / sac / bin: $ PATH
As well as:
Export PATH = $ {PATH}: / bin / sbin: / lib: / usr / lib: /home/luz/sac/bin/sacinit.sh
-Also, I modified my file "sacinit.sh", changing:
Export SACHOME = / home / sac
- In a new terminal I executed: source .bashrc
Then, the resulting error is:
Total 25.45
And that's all it tells me.
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[1] http://www.obsis.unb.br
[2] http://www.intrasis.unb.br/sand
Hi, Prof George
Yes, I have removed the spaces and I still have the same problem.
When I type the command sac, it shows me the following line that indicates:
Total 25.45
Thank you
Hi Aurora-
This looks like output from a utility called System Accounting.
Something must not be resolving properly with your PATH variable when you log in.
You can verify what is being run by typing 'which sac'. It will show you the path.
If I were to guess at the problem, it would be one of three things:
1. Your .bash_profile, which is executed when you log in to a terminal, is not doing a 'source ~/.bashrc'.
2. You should change 'Export' to 'export' (lower case).
3. SAC is not installed in /home/sac, but installed elsewhere.
On Jul 31, 2017, at 7:30 AM, aurora santiago <auruis<at>yahoo.com.mx> wrote:
Hi, Prof George
Yes, I have removed the spaces and I still have the same problem.
When I type the command sac, it shows me the following line that indicates:
Total 25.45
Thank you
SAC Help | http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
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