Danielle Sumy
2017-09-14 21:09:42
Please register for Accurate Seismic Event Location: A Question of Context on September 20, 2017 2:00 PM EDT at:
Presented by: Steven J. Gibbons, Senior Research Geophysicist, NORSAR
Abstract: A great amount of global seismicity occurs in regions with very limited station coverage and significant error in estimates for seismic traveltimes can lead to considerable event mislocation and a very blurred image of seismicity. We present case studies in which modern probabilistic event location algorithms provide dramatically improved images of the distribution of seismic events. So-called precision seismology has vastly improved relative event location estimates over short distances for which waveform similarity is observed. For example, the declared nuclear tests in North Korea can be located relative to each other to within an accuracy of less than hundreds of meters. However, we can demonstrate that the outgoing wavefield is more complicated than is assumed in most double-difference type location estimates. Precision seismology will improve greatly if it can encompass the progress made in the context-based multiple event location algorithms and account for deviations from the applied models resulting from features on smaller length scales than we are currently able to model.
Bio: Gibbons works as a research geophysicist within the programme for Array Seismology and Test-Ban-Treaty Verification at NORSAR. His primary research interests are array processing for seismic signals and full waveform methods for improving the detection capability in the seismic monitoring of nuclear explosions. He is also interested in improving location estimates for seismic events on scales from microseismic, local, regional, and global.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. PLEASE NOTE: Registration does not confirm or guarantee you will have a spot during the webinar, as we are limited to 500 participants. Please hop on the webinar early for your best chances to see the webinar live. Remember that all IRIS webinars are archived for later viewing at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD4D607C2FA317E6D
Danielle Sumy, PhD
Project Associate
Instrumentation Services
Education and Public Outreach
The IRIS Consortium
1200 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-407-7015
Fax: 202-682-0633
Email: danielle.sumy<at>iris.edu
Presented by: Steven J. Gibbons, Senior Research Geophysicist, NORSAR
Abstract: A great amount of global seismicity occurs in regions with very limited station coverage and significant error in estimates for seismic traveltimes can lead to considerable event mislocation and a very blurred image of seismicity. We present case studies in which modern probabilistic event location algorithms provide dramatically improved images of the distribution of seismic events. So-called precision seismology has vastly improved relative event location estimates over short distances for which waveform similarity is observed. For example, the declared nuclear tests in North Korea can be located relative to each other to within an accuracy of less than hundreds of meters. However, we can demonstrate that the outgoing wavefield is more complicated than is assumed in most double-difference type location estimates. Precision seismology will improve greatly if it can encompass the progress made in the context-based multiple event location algorithms and account for deviations from the applied models resulting from features on smaller length scales than we are currently able to model.
Bio: Gibbons works as a research geophysicist within the programme for Array Seismology and Test-Ban-Treaty Verification at NORSAR. His primary research interests are array processing for seismic signals and full waveform methods for improving the detection capability in the seismic monitoring of nuclear explosions. He is also interested in improving location estimates for seismic events on scales from microseismic, local, regional, and global.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. PLEASE NOTE: Registration does not confirm or guarantee you will have a spot during the webinar, as we are limited to 500 participants. Please hop on the webinar early for your best chances to see the webinar live. Remember that all IRIS webinars are archived for later viewing at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD4D607C2FA317E6D
Danielle Sumy, PhD
Project Associate
Instrumentation Services
Education and Public Outreach
The IRIS Consortium
1200 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-407-7015
Fax: 202-682-0633
Email: danielle.sumy<at>iris.edu