Thread: how to find the value of tn marker ?

Started: 2008-11-06 18:37:05
Last activity: 2009-01-13 00:15:57
Topics: SAC Help
2008-11-06 18:37:05
Dear All
Is there any sac command to find the value of tn marker ? I mean if
t1=100. can I find out the Y-value at that time?
thanks all.


  • Pablo Palacios
    2009-01-12 17:23:24

    Dear Weitao,

    I had the same necesity some time ago. I can not find a sac intruction for solve it. In my case I was looking for the maximum value of a spectrum. For reach it I made a csh script, the following lines are part of that script and could be useful. If you know another easy form to do, please tell me.


    # cutting the file between C1 and C2 marks and building the spectrum file
    cut $C1 $C2
    r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}.sac
    chnhdr A UNDEF
    chnhdr F UNDEF
    dft wom a
    writesp am

    # smoothig the spectrum and writting it as text file
    r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
    smooth mean h 10
    write over
    write alpha change .am .am.alpha

    # extracting the number of point of the file to compute de maximum frequency
    sac<<EOF >! header
    r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
    listhdr NPTS
    # computing the spectrum variation between consecutive points
    set delta = `awk '/NPTS/{print 25/($3-1)}' header`
    # converting the spectrum text file to spectrum column file without header (30 first lines)
    set spectrum = `echo ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}`
    awk 'NR>30{print $0}' $spectrum | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\n"}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' > spectrum-c
    # selecting the point of the maximum frequency and computing this value
    set MaxFreq = `awk '{if(NR==1){max=$1}else if($1>max){max=$1;print NR,max}}' spectrum-c | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
    set MaxFreq = `echo $delta $MaxFreq | awk '{print $1*($2-1)}'`
    # deleting temporal work files
    rm -f header
    rm -f ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
    rm -f spectrum-c

    # automatic picking in the spectrum file of the maximum frequency
    r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
    chnhdr F $MaxFreq
    write over

    Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 10:37:05 -0700
    From: wangwtustc<at>
    To: sac-help<at>
    Subject: [SAC-HELP] how to find the value of tn marker ?

    Dear All
    Is there any sac command to find the value of tn marker ? I mean if t1=100. can I find out the Y-value at that time?
    thanks all.


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    • George Helffrich
      2009-01-13 00:15:57
      Dear Pablo -

      See the list (below) of built-in numeric functions in MacSAC.
      SAC2000 has all except GETVAL, I believe. You can do what you want by
      using something like this example in any version of SAC:

      funcgen seismogram
      cutim ((GETTIME MAX) - (&1,DELTA / 2)) ((GETTIME MAX) + (&1,DELTA / 2))
      message "Maximum value is &1,depmax& at (GETTIME MAX)"

      Change (GETTIME MAX) to something else for another value in memory,
      e.g. &1,t0&
      It only works on one trace in memory, however, and destroys the memory
      copy it.

      fg seismogram
      message "Only in MacSAC, max value is (GETVAL (GETTIME MAX)) at
      (GETTIME MAX)"

      It would be nice if SAC2000 implemented GETVAL; the query arises
      regularly enough
      to put it on the to do list.

      Numeric functions
      Name Num. args. Example Notes

      PI 0 (PI) Value of pi
      ADD >0 (ADD 1 2)
      SUBTRACT >0 (SUBTRACT 2 1)
      MULTIPLY >0 (MULTIPLY 1 2 3 4)
      DIVIDE >0 (DIVIDE 12 3)
      MINIMUM >0 (MINIMUM 0.78 -3.5 15.2)
      MAXIMUM >0 (MAXIMUM 0.78 -3.5 15.2)
      SQRT 1 (SQRT 2) Square root
      EXP 1 (EXP 2) Powers of e
      ALOG 1 (ALOG 2.5) Natural logarithm
      POWER 1 (POWER 3) Powers of 10
      ALOG10 1 (ALOG10 1000) Base 10 logarithm
      SINE 1 (SINE 0.37) Argument in radians
      ARCSINE 1 (ARCSINE 0.37) Result in radians
      ASINE 1 (ASINE 0.37) Synonym
      COSINE 1 (COSINE 0.37) Argument in radians
      ARCCOSINE 1 (ARCCOSINE 0.37) Result in radians
      ACOSINE 1 (ACOSINE 0.37) Synonym
      TANGENT 1 (TANGENT 0.37) Argument in radians
      ARCTANGENT 1 (ARCTANGENT 1.00) Result in radians
      ATANGENT 1 (ATANGENT 1.00) Synonym
      INTEGER 1 (INTEGER 1.05) Integer part of expression
      ABSOLUTE 1 (ABSOLUTE 1.05)
      GETTIME 1,2 (GETTIME 17.05) Time of first occurrence
      (GETTIME MAX 17.05) value in file, or value
      (GETTIME MIN -7.05) than (MAX) or less than
      (MIN) in
      (GETTIME MAX) file, or DEPMAX or DEPMIN
      if no
      (GETTIME MIN) value provided
      GETVAL 1,3 (GETVAL 157.32) Data values of at 157.32
      s in
      each file in memory.
      (GETVAL FILE N 157.32) Data value at 157.32 s in
      file N
      in memory; N integer > 0.

      String functions
      Name Num. args. Syntax Description

      CHANGE 3 (CHANGE X Y Z) Changes X to Y in Z
      DELETE 2 (DELETE X Y) Deletes X in Y
      BEFORE 2 (BEFORE X Y) Returns text in Y
      preceding X
      AFTER 2 (AFTER X Y) Returns text in Y
      following X
      SUBSTRING 3 (SUBSTRING X Y Z) Returns characters X to Y
      in Z
      Index starts with 1; X or
      Y may be
      END to indicate last
      CONCATENATE - (CONCATENATE X Y Z ...) Joins all strings together

      On 12 Jan 2009, at 14:23, Pablo Palacios wrote:

      Dear Weitao,

      I had the same necesity some time ago. I can not find a sac intruction
      for solve it. In my case I was looking for the maximum value of a
      spectrum. For reach it I made a csh script, the following lines are
      part of that script and could be useful. If you know another easy form
      to do, please tell me.


      # cutting the file between C1 and C2 marks and building the spectrum
      cut $C1 $C2
      r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}.sac
      chnhdr A UNDEF
      chnhdr F UNDEF
      dft wom a
      writesp am

      # smoothig the spectrum and writting it as text file
      r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
      smooth mean h 10
      write over
      write alpha change .am .am.alpha

      # extracting the number of point of the file to compute de maximum
      sac<<EOF >! header
      r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
      listhdr NPTS
      # computing the spectrum variation between consecutive
      set delta = `awk '/NPTS/{print 25/($3-1)}' header`
      # converting the spectrum text file to spectrum column
      file without header (30 first lines)
      set spectrum = `echo ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}`
      awk 'NR>30{print $0}' $spectrum | awk
      'BEGIN{OFS="\n"}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' > spectrum-c
      # selecting the point of the maximum frequency and
      computing this value
      set MaxFreq = `awk '{if(NR==1){max=$1}else
      if($1>max){max=$1;print NR,max}}' spectrum-c | tail -1 | awk '{print
      set MaxFreq = `echo $delta $MaxFreq | awk '{print
      # deleting temporal work files
      rm -f header
      rm -f ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
      rm -f spectrum-c

      # automatic picking in the spectrum file of the maximum frequency
      r ${stn}_${cmp}_${event}
      chnhdr F $MaxFreq
      write over

      Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 10:37:05 -0700
      From: wangwtustc<at>
      To: sac-help<at>
      Subject: [SAC-HELP] how to find the value of tn marker ?

      Dear All
      Is there any sac command to find the value of tn marker ? I mean
      if t1=100. can I find out the Y-value at that time?
      thanks all.


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      George Helffrich

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