Institution: The University of Texas at Dallas
Open Until: 2018-02-28
We have openings for 4 new PhD positions starting in August 2018; applications are due Jan-Feb 2018.
Our research group focuses on computational seismic imaging, inversion and time-lapse monitoring using advanced wave-theoretic and high-performance computational methods for seismic modeling, imaging, and full waveform inversion (FWI); using active-source or passive seismic datasets recorded in surface, borehole and ocean-bottom arrays, including continuous recordings of ambient seismic noise. Our research goal is to extract more information from seismic data than can be achieved via traditional methods, by using more accurate physics, enhancing signal/noise and resolution, and using the full scattering coda in seismic wavefields to more accurately image and monitor the most difficult complex fluid-flow and geologic scenarios. Applications include hydrocarbon and groundwater reservoirs, CO2 injection and storage, subsurface fluid flow and stress transients, and monitoring of both natural and induced (micro) earthquake seismicity. Applicants must have a strong background in applied physics, mathematics and computation. Prior research experience and a Master’s degree is recommended.
For further information, contact one of us below as your intended PhD Supervisor:
Prof David Lumley Green Chair in Geophysics david.lumley<at>
Prof Sue Minkoff Mathematical Sciences
A/Prof Hejun Zhu Computational Seismology
Open Until: 2018-02-28
We have openings for 4 new PhD positions starting in August 2018; applications are due Jan-Feb 2018.
Our research group focuses on computational seismic imaging, inversion and time-lapse monitoring using advanced wave-theoretic and high-performance computational methods for seismic modeling, imaging, and full waveform inversion (FWI); using active-source or passive seismic datasets recorded in surface, borehole and ocean-bottom arrays, including continuous recordings of ambient seismic noise. Our research goal is to extract more information from seismic data than can be achieved via traditional methods, by using more accurate physics, enhancing signal/noise and resolution, and using the full scattering coda in seismic wavefields to more accurately image and monitor the most difficult complex fluid-flow and geologic scenarios. Applications include hydrocarbon and groundwater reservoirs, CO2 injection and storage, subsurface fluid flow and stress transients, and monitoring of both natural and induced (micro) earthquake seismicity. Applicants must have a strong background in applied physics, mathematics and computation. Prior research experience and a Master’s degree is recommended.
For further information, contact one of us below as your intended PhD Supervisor:
Prof David Lumley Green Chair in Geophysics david.lumley<at>
Prof Sue Minkoff Mathematical Sciences
A/Prof Hejun Zhu Computational Seismology