Thread: Corrected Web Address: Graduate Studies in Global Seismology

Started: 2017-11-16 15:59:54
Last activity: 2017-11-16 15:59:54
The Global Seismology group at the University of Calgary seeks graduate students who are interested in pursing degrees in geoscience at the Ph.D. and Masters levels.

Active projects within the Global Seismology group study crustal and upper mantle structures that range in scale from focused natural resource exploration to global tectonics. Students in the program will have the opportunity to undertake research projects involving a range of topics. Current projects include the evolution of the Canadian Cordillera (see for more information on this initiative), geothermal energy (see: ), and monitoring CO2 sequestration sites (see: ). Each of these projects include field campaigns for collecting original seismic datasets as well as computationally intensive analysis of that data in the lab.

Applicants should have a degree in geophysics, geology, physics, math, computer science, or a related field and experience programming.
See for general information about the department and

The applications deadline for Fall 2018 is January 15, 2018.

Contact Dr. Hersh Gilbert ( hersh.gilbert<at> ) with questions about the program.
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