2017-12-02 04:12:46
Dear Colleagues,
Please note we have *extended the abstract deadline* *by one week to 7th
December 2017* for the *Taking the Temperature of the Antarctic
Continent (TACtical) Workshop* March 21-23 2018 in Hobart, Australia.
We now have several confirmed keynote speakers:
Theme 1: Geothermal heat flux in ice sheet modelling (Conveners: Frank
Pattyn, Felicity Graham) Keynote: Hélène Seroussi (JPL NASA)
Theme 2: Measuring and estimating geothermal heat flux through the
cryosphere and on continental shelves (Conveners: Karsten Gohl, Slawek
Tulaczyk, Jason Roberts) Keynote: Dustin Schroeder (Stanford University)
Theme 3: Estimating geothermal heat flux from solid Earth properties
(Conveners: Weisen Shen, Jacqueline Halpin, Derrick Hasterok) Keynotes:
Doug Wiens (Washington University in St Louis) + Yasmina Martos (NASA/
of Maryland)
Theme 4: New technologies, future priorities, and data integration for
Antarctic geothermal heat flux (Convener: Anya Reading) Keynote: Derrick
Hasterok (University of Adelaide)
Further information, including the workshop themes and proposed outcomes,
abstract submission and registration, is all available here:
*Early bird registration (before 21st January 2018) AUD $250 (includes
conference dinner)*
We have a great selection of abstracts and keynotes so far, and encourage
any last minute contributions!
Kind regards,
TACtical Workshop organising committee
Jacqueline Halpin & Anya Reading (UTAS, Australia), Karsten Gohl (AWI,
Germany), Weisen Shen (WashU, USA), Frank Pattyn (ULB, Belgium)
Please note we have *extended the abstract deadline* *by one week to 7th
December 2017* for the *Taking the Temperature of the Antarctic
Continent (TACtical) Workshop* March 21-23 2018 in Hobart, Australia.
We now have several confirmed keynote speakers:
Theme 1: Geothermal heat flux in ice sheet modelling (Conveners: Frank
Pattyn, Felicity Graham) Keynote: Hélène Seroussi (JPL NASA)
Theme 2: Measuring and estimating geothermal heat flux through the
cryosphere and on continental shelves (Conveners: Karsten Gohl, Slawek
Tulaczyk, Jason Roberts) Keynote: Dustin Schroeder (Stanford University)
Theme 3: Estimating geothermal heat flux from solid Earth properties
(Conveners: Weisen Shen, Jacqueline Halpin, Derrick Hasterok) Keynotes:
Doug Wiens (Washington University in St Louis) + Yasmina Martos (NASA/
of Maryland)
Theme 4: New technologies, future priorities, and data integration for
Antarctic geothermal heat flux (Convener: Anya Reading) Keynote: Derrick
Hasterok (University of Adelaide)
Further information, including the workshop themes and proposed outcomes,
abstract submission and registration, is all available here:
*Early bird registration (before 21st January 2018) AUD $250 (includes
conference dinner)*
We have a great selection of abstracts and keynotes so far, and encourage
any last minute contributions!
Kind regards,
TACtical Workshop organising committee
Jacqueline Halpin & Anya Reading (UTAS, Australia), Karsten Gohl (AWI,
Germany), Weisen Shen (WashU, USA), Frank Pattyn (ULB, Belgium)