Thread: [AOGS 2018] SE21: Bridging Observations from Geology and Geodesy to Understand Tectonic Deformation over Multiple Timescales

Started: 2018-01-07 02:00:22
Last activity: 2018-01-07 02:00:22
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to our session SE21: Bridging Observations from Geology and Geodesy to Understand Tectonic Deformation over Multiple Timescales at the 2018 AOGS meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, on 4-8 June 2018. In this session, we invite contributions that explore deformation at timescales anywhere from days to years to millennia.

Please go to the AOGS webpage ( to submit your abstract. The submission deadline is 19 January. Details of the session are below:

Session Title
Bridging Observations from Geology and Geodesy to Understand Tectonic Deformation over Multiple Timescales

Session Conveners
Dr. Aron Meltzner (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), meltzner<at> <meltzner<at>>
Dr. Ya-Ju Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), yaru<at> <yaru<at>>
Dr. Tadafumi Ochi (Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), tadafumi.ochi<at> <tadafumi.ochi<at>>
Dr. Yu-Nung Nina Lin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), ynlin<at> <ynlin<at>>
Dr. Emma Hill (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), ehill<at> <ehill<at>>

Session Description
Tectonic processes occur at a variety of timescales, from seconds (coseismic) to weeks (short-term slow slip) to years (postseismic and long-term slow slip) to decades (interseismic) to millennia or longer (long-term deformation). Studies focused on results derived from a single technique may not have sufficient context to assess how deformation evolves over time. In order to address this important problem, we invite contributions in which results from multiple techniques are combined to explore tectonic deformation over multiple timescales. We also encourage contributions that compare present to past behavior or that focus specifically on variability of tectonic deformation over long timescales.

Further Information at AOGS website:
Abstract Deadline: 19 January 2018
Meeting Dates: 4-8 June 2018

Aron Meltzner
Ya-Ju Hsu
Tadafumi Ochi
Nina Lin
Emma Hill
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