Thread: AOGS2018 Session on Precambrian Lithospher

Started: 2018-01-16 23:41:18
Last activity: 2018-01-16 23:41:18
Topics: Other Meetings
Huaiyu Yuan
2018-01-16 23:41:18
Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for this very late post.

We want to draw your attention to Session SE 19 “Characterizing Precambrian
Crust and Lithosphere” in this year's AOGS meeting, June 3rd to 8th in
Honolulu, Hawaii. The session will focuses on multi-scale imaging of the
Precambrian lithosphere and cross-field model integration for problems
associated with the tectonic evolution as well as resource characterization
in Precambrian lithosphere.

Session Description:
The interior of continents, especially in the stable Precambrian cores and
margins, preserves a long tectonic record of continental formation,
reworking and destruction. Thanks to world-wide deployments of dense
observational networks, recent geophysical constraints and
multi-disciplinary models offer new insights through time, which greatly
improves our understanding of the events and processes from the past. In
this session we invite contributions from, but not limited to, seismology,
geodynamics, geology, geochemistry and magnetotellurics pertaining to the
investigations of the tectonic history and evolution of Precambrian regions.

Confirmed Speakers:
Zhong-hai Li, Geodynamical modeling of subduction and craton destruction,
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Mike Dentith, Geophysical characterisation of Mineral systems, University
of Western Australia
Huajian Yao, Crustal azimuthal anisotropy in the North China craton,
University of Science and Technology of China
Ling Chen, Crustal structure beneath cratons and tectonic belts in east
Asia, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Please consider a contribution to this session. Please note the abstract
submission deadline is Jan 19, 2018.

Sincerely yours,

Huaiyu Yuan, Macquarie University, Australia
Jeff Gu, University of Alberta, Canada
Klaus Gessner, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Australia
Prof Liang Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

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