Pythonic Geodynamics
Gabriele Morra, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Students and young researchers who want to learn to use computational tools for geodynamic modeling have the option to choose among a wide range of numerical tools. I will show how Python and its libraries represent an easy-to-use platform for self-learning, with performance close to compiled codes. I will present (1) how to visualize and run vectorial calculations, (2) examples from classical Mechanics like particles trajectories in 2D-3D, (3) a detailed description of how to write Lagrangian, Eulerian and Particles in Cell codes for solving linear and non-linear continuum mechanics problems and (4) advanced techniques like tree-codes, Boundary Elements, Lattice Boltzmann Method, as well as use Jupyter Notebooks for creating and distributing content. The goal is to encourage professional and students to learn by experimenting and experiencing, like children who learn by playing.