Thread: 2018 CGU CIG, Niagara Falls ** Abstract Deadline EXTENDED ** March 16

Started: 2018-03-01 17:59:18
Last activity: 2018-03-01 17:59:18
Topics: Other Meetings
1 March 2018
Dear Community,
Don’t forget to submit your abstract for the upcoming 2018 Joint CGU - CIG Mantle Convection and Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop, June 10-14 in Niagara Falls, Canada
This workshop is the second joint meeting with the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) intended to bring together researchers who study the dynamics of the Earth’s mantle and lithosphere through numerical modeling. The meeting will focus on numerical modeling, mantle dynamics and the geodynamics of lithospheric evolution and will combine invited and contributed talks and poster sessions. An introductory tutorial on ASPECT will also be offered.
CIG website
CGU website

Registration and abstract submission is through the CGU website. Save money by joining CGU at the special CIG rate.

Submit an abstract to any of the joint program sessions. CIG sessions are described below. Abstract Submission Deadline: March 16 ** EXTENDED

Travel support for U.S. based researchers is available through CIG. Please review travel instructions on the CIG website before applying. Travel Support Deadline: March 31
We look forward to seeing you there!
CIG_01: Mantle Convection: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

Mantle convection is the process that drives plate tectonics and continental drift on the Earth. It determines the cooling rate of the planet and therefore the core, thus also determining the conditions critical for the geodynamo. Convection in the mantles of other terrestrial planets and both rocky and icy satellites, similarly determines the evolution of these bodies and expressions of their histories such as resurfacing, manifestations of past and present dynamos and volcanism. Progress in understanding these processes on the Earth and other bodies is being driven by continual advancements in computational geodynamic modelling as well as new means of dealing with voluminous model output and tools for visualizing calculation results. This session seeks proposals describing the findings from the full spectrum of studies of mantle convection, new numerical techniques for dealing with issues related to the modelling of mantle dynamics and new tools for dealing with model interpretation. Relevant contributions extend to applications to any system in which convection in a silicate or icy layer is modelled.

CIG_03: Lithosphere Dynamics: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

As the rigid outer shell of the Earth and the upper boundary layer of the mantle convective system, the lithosphere plays a fundamental role in the Earth’s evolution. However, computational modellng of lithosphere dynamics remains a challenge, as models must encompass wide temporal-spatial scales and incorporate materials with complex, heterogeneous and often poorly constrained properties. Further, recent work highlights the importance of multi-physics processes (e.g., fluid-solid interactions) that are still not fully understood. This session seeks contributions on all aspects of lithosphere dynamics, including studies of specific tectonic areas and those that address computational advances in lithosphere modeling. We also welcome studies that bridge numerical models and observational data and those that link lithosphere dynamics with other parts of the Earth system (e.g., Earth’s surface, convecting mantle).

CIG_04: New Developments in Geodynamic Modeling and Computational Infrastructure

Advances in numerical modeling capabilities and the influx of big data have widened the scope and scale of geodynamic modeling in the modern era. This session focuses on new developments facilitating modeling of Earth and planetary dynamics. These include generating scientific workflows, data assimilation, numerical methods, leveraging scientific libraries for reproducible research, advances in 3D data visualization, and incorporating new technologies in high performance computing infrastructure. Applications to all aspects of geodynamics are welcome from whole Earth mantle convection, geodynamo studies, short- and long-term tectonics, and as well as the seismic cycle and seismically imaged Earth structure.

CIG_02: An Introduction to Modeling Lithospheric Dynamics - TUTORIAL

This session will provide a tutorial and training for modeling mantle convection and lithospheric deformation using the state-of-the-art, CIG-supported code ASPECT. The half-day session will begin with a general overview of relevant numerical methods and best practices for modeling complex, non-linear solid Earth deformation. After the introduction, participants will complete hands-on exercises that examine realistic geophysical problems including mantle convection, subduction and lithospheric extension. The session will conclude with a discussion of the exercises and questions regarding developing future numerical studies. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with ideas and hypothesis potentially suited for numerical investigations. No prior modeling experience is required and all interested student, faculty, professional research and industry attendees are encouraged to apply.

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