2018-03-06 16:59:27
Are you an undergraduate student interested in field work? Would you or someone you know have some upcoming field projects during the summer, and could potentially use field hands during that time?
The 2018 IRIS Field Experience Programs (FieldXP) is designed to increase awareness of and encourage participation in short-duration field experiences for undergraduate students who may have an interest in geoscience, but have never participated in fieldwork. In addition, the program is designed to support the IRIS community’s needs to attract and vet applications for field crews to support their research. The ultimate goal of FieldXP is to expand the geoscience workforce, by enabling participants to transition either into full seismology/geophysics/geology internships, or directly into seismology/geophysics/geology graduate programs.
The program can support up to ~$1000/student for travel to/from the field site and any costs on the ground, for a one to two week field experience. We’d like to have two students on each project if possible. The students are broadly available between late May to late August 2018, although the student and mentor will need to work together to determine the timing of the field experience, and what works best with scheduling.
If interested, please fill out related forms available on the FieldXP website at: https://www.iris.edu/hq/event/2018_field_experience_program_fieldxp_with_utep Student applications are due by April 1st, and mentor applications are due by May 1st.
Please contact Danielle Sumy (sumy<at>iris.edu <sumy<at>iris.edu>) or Wendy Bohon (wendy.bohon<at>iris.edu <wendy.bohon<at>iris.edu>) for more details.
Danielle Sumy, PhD
Project Associate
Instrumentation Services
Education and Public Outreach
The IRIS Consortium
1200 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-407-7015
Fax: 202-682-0633
Email: danielle.sumy<at>iris.edu
The 2018 IRIS Field Experience Programs (FieldXP) is designed to increase awareness of and encourage participation in short-duration field experiences for undergraduate students who may have an interest in geoscience, but have never participated in fieldwork. In addition, the program is designed to support the IRIS community’s needs to attract and vet applications for field crews to support their research. The ultimate goal of FieldXP is to expand the geoscience workforce, by enabling participants to transition either into full seismology/geophysics/geology internships, or directly into seismology/geophysics/geology graduate programs.
The program can support up to ~$1000/student for travel to/from the field site and any costs on the ground, for a one to two week field experience. We’d like to have two students on each project if possible. The students are broadly available between late May to late August 2018, although the student and mentor will need to work together to determine the timing of the field experience, and what works best with scheduling.
If interested, please fill out related forms available on the FieldXP website at: https://www.iris.edu/hq/event/2018_field_experience_program_fieldxp_with_utep Student applications are due by April 1st, and mentor applications are due by May 1st.
Please contact Danielle Sumy (sumy<at>iris.edu <sumy<at>iris.edu>) or Wendy Bohon (wendy.bohon<at>iris.edu <wendy.bohon<at>iris.edu>) for more details.
Danielle Sumy, PhD
Project Associate
Instrumentation Services
Education and Public Outreach
The IRIS Consortium
1200 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-407-7015
Fax: 202-682-0633
Email: danielle.sumy<at>iris.edu