Thread: Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) 2018

Started: 2018-03-14 15:44:48
Last activity: 2018-03-14 15:44:48
Danny Feucht
2018-03-14 15:44:48
We are pleased to again announce the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) program for 2018.

Program dates: June 16 - July 11, 2018
Application deadline: Sunday, April 15 at 8:00pm EDT

SAGE is a four week graduate and advanced undergraduate research and education program in exploration geophysics based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. SAGE students, faculty, teaching assistants and visiting scientists acquire, process and interpret reflection/refraction seismic, magnetotelluric/electromagnetic, GPR, gravity and magnetics data at a shallow archaeological site and at the sedimentary basin scale in the Rio Grande rift. We particularly encourage applications from 1) qualified undergraduate students who will have completed their junior year and the requisite physics and math before SAGE, and 2) qualified graduate students in all stages of their careers. All qualified applicants, including international and professional, are welcome. All enrolled students will be asked to provide a $500 course fee to cover room and board for the duration of the 4-week program.

New for SAGE 2018: For the first time at SAGE we will be camping while doing our field
work in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Food and camping support will be provided but students should bring personal camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, etc.). We will be camping for approximately 12 days, with opportunities to shower every few days. The
remainder of the time we will be spend in dormitory style accommodations in Santa Fe.

Additional information about SAGE, including links to application materials can be found at the all-new SAGE website:
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