Thread: Abstracts DUE today: CIG Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics Workshop

Started: 2018-03-16 16:16:45
Last activity: 2018-03-16 16:16:45
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Reminder: Abstracts due today, March 16 by 11:59 pm EST, for the 2018 Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics Workshop to be held in Niagara Falls, Canada from June 10-14, 2018!

Meeting details are listed on the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Workshop site:

The meeting will be coordinated with the joint Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) meeting. Please submit abstracts through the CGU site. From the following link, scroll down to find the CIG sessions:

The CIG sessions are:
CIG_01: Mantle Convection: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
CIG_03: Lithosphere Dynamics: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
CIG_04: New Developments in Geodynamic Modeling and Computational Infrastructure

In addition, CIG is hosting an Aspect tutorial:
CIG_02: An Introduction to Modeling Lithospheric Dynamics (1/2-Day Workshop)

Additional participants at the joint meeting are the Canadian Soil Society, Eastern Seismological Society of America, and Canadian Society for Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

We look forward to seeing you in Niagara Falls!


On behalf of the
CIG Meeting Organizing Committee

Margarete Jadamec
Assistant Professor

Department of Geology
Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering Program
The State University of New York at Buffalo
126 Cooke Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-4130

Tel: 716-645-4262
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