Thread: PhD and Postdoctoral Positions in Singapore (Earthquake Geology and/or Holocene Sea Level)

Started: 2018-05-18 07:44:33
Last activity: 2018-05-18 07:44:33
Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce a fully-funded PhD and a postdoctoral scholar position in the Asian School of the Environment and the Earth Observatory of Singapore, at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore.

Potential topics of focus include (but are not limited to):
paleoseismology and paleogeodesy of the Sunda megathrust (in Sumatra, Indonesia)
paleoseismology and paleogeodesy of the Manila trench (in Luzon, Philippines)
relative sea level and neotectonics over the Holocene in Southeast Asia

For the PhD position, there are two intakes of PhD students annually, in January and in August. The deadline for the submission of applications is 31st January for the August intake, and 31st July for the following January intake. I will consider candidates for either intake in 2019, but preference will be given to candidates who contact me sooner rather than later. The PhD program lasts 4 or 5 years and is fully funded with a competitive stipend for the duration.

For the postdoctoral position, interested candidates should contact me as early as possible. The appointment will be for up to 3 years, and a competitive salary will be offered.

Prior to the formal application procedure, interested candidates are encouraged to send me their CV and a brief note (roughly 200-500 words) describing how their research interests will tie in with those of my research group. I can be contacted at meltzner<at> <meltzner<at>>.

I will be at the AOGS meeting in Honolulu in June. I would be happy to meet with potential applicants during the meeting.


For more information:

Aron J. Meltzner
Assistant Professor, Asian School of the Environment
Principal Investigator, Earth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue, N2-01a-05, Singapore 639798
meltzner<at> <meltzner<at>> | |

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