Thread: Postdoc in Earthquake Seismology at Chinese University of Hong Kong

Started: 2018-05-25 16:11:38
Last activity: 2018-05-25 16:11:38
Postdoc in Earthquake Seismology at Chinese University of Hong Kong

A postdoctoral researcher position in earthquake seismology is available
in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The focus of research is
on earthquake physics and subduction zone dynamics using passive source
data, complemented by numerical modeling.

The candidate should have a broad interest in earthquake physics and
sophisticated experience in seismic data processing. Proficient
programming skills are preferred. Experiences of seismic tomography,
waveform modeling, and/or deriving static and dynamic source properties
of earthquakes are desired.

The initial appointment is for one year and can be renewed upon
satisfactory performance. Starting date will be September 1, 2018, but
is flexible.

Applicants should submit a CV, a cover letter of research experience and
interests, and contact information for three references to Prof.
Hongfeng Yang (hyang<at> <hyang<at>>. Review
will begin immediately until the position is filled.

For more information, please visit

Assistant Professor
Earth System Sciences Programme
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong

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