Thread: PhD students wanted to study supervolcanoes in New Zealand

Started: 2018-06-06 12:18:18
Last activity: 2018-06-06 12:18:18
PhD students are sought to join the multi-institution ECLIPSE Supervolcano programme hosted at the School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW; The research project will combine seismic methods with knowledge from ongoing geochemical/volcanological studies to consider the seismic structure, present state and potential for unrest or eruption of the supervolcano system in the central North Island (particularly Taupo and Okataina calderas). The Earth Sciences group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established world-class track record in these fields. The PhD project will involve a component of fieldwork campaigning together with a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding the storage and plumbing systems of rhyolite volcanoes. There will be close collaboration with GNS Science and the other New Zealand research groups involved in the ECLIPSE programme.

In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences. The student will be joining a vibrant community of graduate students, with the opportunity to build for themselves an international reputation.

The next deadline for PhD scholarship applications is 1 July 2018 in New Zealand dates (30 June in the US): successful scholarship applicants receive a NZ$23,500 stipend and all tuition fee payments for a term of three years. Students should have completed an MSc degree prior to commencing study: competition for scholarships is fierce, and successful applicants will likely have high undergraduate GPAs in one or more of mathematics, physics, geology, or geophysics, and, ideally, a track record of peer-reviewed publications commensurate with experience.

Full details regarding the application process are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research at

Students wishing to apply should also contact Martha Savage (martha.savage<at><martha.savage<at>>, or Colin Wilson (colin.wilson<at><colin.wilson<at>>, to discuss project options.

Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics, SGEES
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Cotton 529
Box 600, Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Email: Martha.Savage<at><Martha.Savage<at>>
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
Mobile: +64 (0)21-262-7516

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