Thread: AGU Session T054: Whose Fault Is It? Relating Structural and Compositional Heterogeneity to Slip Behavior

Started: 2018-07-12 00:49:39
Last activity: 2018-07-12 00:49:39
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the following AGU Fall Meeting 2018

*T054: Whose Fault Is It? Relating Structural and Compositional
Heterogeneity to Slip Behavior *

*Large plate boundary fault systems are commonly rheologically segmented
both along strike and down dip, including across the transition from
seismic to aseismic shear displacement. In addition to thermal controls,
these variations in slip style may arise due to geometric or compositional
heterogeneities along the fault zone. Many questions remain on the
relationships between structure and fault behavior. For example, how does
rupture propagation interact with roughness or material properties along a
fault at a range of slip rates? How does this impact the global variability
in seismic behavior at plate boundaries? In this session, we will highlight
recent advances in characterizing observed structures, geophysical
properties, lithologies, and slip behaviors at plate boundary faults at a
range of scales, with a focus on relationships between these features. We
encourage submissions from seismology, magnetotellurics, geodesy,
earthquake rupture modeling, structural geology, fault zone drilling, and
experimental work.*

The link to the session can be found here:

*Invited Speakers:*
Thomas Gobel

*Session Conveners:*
Hannah Rabinowitz, Brown University
Helen Janiszewski, DTM
Samer Naif, LDEO
Ake Fagereng, Cardiff University

The deadline to submit abstracts is August 1, 2018.



Helen A. Janiszewski

Postdoctoral Fellow
Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism
Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington DC

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