Thread: AGU Session Announcement: "Bridging the interface between educational and citizen science seismology"

Started: 2018-07-12 22:28:42
Last activity: 2018-07-12 22:28:42
Topics: AGU Meetings
*Dear Colleagues,*

*We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018
AGU Fall Meeting:*

*ED008: Bridging the interface between educational and citizen science
seismology *

Link: * *

Scientists and education specialists have been supporting and developing
educational seismology networks in the US and globally for decades.
Citizen seismology has been developing and expanding on a parallel track
over the same time period. While the approaches to engage students and the
public in seismology can have somewhat different goals, there is much
overlap and much to be gained in closer collaboration.

Presentations are encouraged that explore successful models and challenges
of both approaches and discuss future opportunities for engaging a broad

We look forward to your contributions to our session!

Best wishes from session conveners,

John Taber (IRIS)
Tammy Bravo (IRIS)
Jean Luc Berenguer (Centre International de Valbonne)

Tammy K Bravo, PhD
Seismologist, Seismology Outreach Specialist
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
1200 New York Ave NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005

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