Thread: AGU Session S022: Next Generation Seismic Source Studies

Started: 2018-07-17 00:10:43
Last activity: 2018-07-17 00:10:43
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting:

S022: Next Generation Seismic Source Studies

Session description:
Seismic source studies are fundamental to seismology. Recently, correlation-based detection and location methods have dramatically improved seismic monitoring capability. For other aspects of source studies, machine learning shows promise in tasks such as phase picking and association, event detection, event location, and event classification. Correlation-based double-difference location methods can vastly improve the precision of earthquake location. Polarity, phase amplitude, S/P amplitude ratio, and full waveform techniques have led to great improvements in focal mechanism determination and reliability. There have also been important improvements in source models spanning point source to full finite-fault models. Despite this progress, opportunities remain for improvements in seismic monitoring ability, including seismic monitoring in real time, and in streamlining the components of source characterization into a seamless workflow. This session aims to highlight new methods and applications in detection, location and characterization of seismic events in different aspects of seismological studies.

Invited speakers:
Greg Beroza (Stanford University)
Chen Ji (University of California, Santa Barbara)

We look forward to your contributions to our session!

Best wishes from session conveners,

Miao Zhang (Stanford University)
David Shelly (US Geological Survey)
Francesco Grigoli (ETH Zürich)
Kazutoshi Imanishi (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)

Miao Zhang
Postdoc at Stanford University

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