Thread: AGU Session for Joint Seismic-MT/Electromagnetic Projects

Started: 2018-07-18 00:40:24
Last activity: 2018-07-18 00:40:24
Topics: AGU Meetings

The frontier of geophysical analysis and understanding of Earth processes increasingly lies in efforts to synthesize results from multidisciplinary data sets. We’d like to encourage you to consider submitting an abstract (deadline: 1 August 2018, 23:59 EDT) to the following session at the 2018 Fall AGU Meeting, to be held this year in Washington, DC.

Session ID: 54183
Session Title: GP013. Understanding Active Earth Systems through Combined MT/EM and Seismic Datasets
View Session Details: >
Convenors: Adam Schultz (Oregon State University), Ninfa Bennington (University of Wisconsin Madison), Paul Bedrosian (US Geological Survey), Rob Evans (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Session Description:
Seismic, Magnetotelluric (MT) and other electromagnetic (EM) methods are primary tools for imaging the properties of the crust and mantle, gaining insight into its structure and composition. Seismic and MT/EM investigations are increasingly closely coordinated, instead of isolated, providing better constraints of physical properties and structures of earth systems. For some years, efforts have focused on joint inversion of such hybrid datasets. Although challenged by the lack of a single, unifying equation of state to describe both elastic and electrical properties of Earth materials, significant advances are being made in reducing the ambiguity in interpreting the geologic meaning by jointly constraining separate seismic and MT/EM inversions with information from other geophysical data. In this session we focus on field experiments, laboratory measurements, theoretical developments and modeling applicable to the joint interpretation of seismic and MT/EM data and motivated by furthering our understanding active earth systems.
For the first time, the AGU Fall Meeting will be held in Washington, D.C. from 10-14 December, 2018, where we will mark the launch AGU’s Centennial. A wide variety of events are being planned that will take advantage of this special location that will showcase our science to the U.S. and international policy community, students, and public); leverage the local scientific community, including events with the Smithsonian, National Academies, and others; and, offer field trips to view the local geology and research institutes. The Fall Meeting will also offer more workshops as well as new Tutorial sessions to help students and researchers learn about new approaches and techniques and introduce exciting science in other disciplines.

Additional information, including everything you need to know about abstract submission is here: Please consider submitting an abstract and/or attending to help show “What Science Stands For” and to join in an exciting and informative start to AGU’s Centennial. Submissions received by the early deadline of 25 July have a chance to win a $100 US gift card.

Dr. Adam Schultz

Professor of Geophysics
Oregon State University
104 CEOAS Administration Building
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503


Chief Scientist
Subsurface Science and Technology Group
Energy and Environment Directorate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

tel. +1-541-737-9832
fax. +1-541-737-2064


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