Niels Grobbe
2018-07-20 05:36:01
Dear colleagues,
it is our great pleasure to announce our 2018 AGU Fall Meeting session:
On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics
We invite contributions covering all disciplines of geophysics (e.g. Seismology, Electromagnetics, Potential Field Methods, Rock Physics) and all aspects (e.g. theory, numerical, laboratory, field), focused on the shared advances, technological developments and scientific discoveries made in either the fundamental or exploration geophysical community that benefit both and bring both communities closer together.
Our listed invited speakers are:
* Greg Beroza - Stanford University
* Fan-Chi Lin - University of Utah
More information on the session can be found below, including a link for abstract submissions. We herewith would like to warmly invite you to submit an abstract to this session.
Abstract submission is already open, and the deadline for submissions is Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 23:59 EDT.
The meeting will be held on December 10-14, 2018 in Washington D.C.
We sincerely hope you will consider submitting one or multiple abstracts to our session, such that together we can make this a great success. Also, please feel free to forward this announcement to any interested colleagues, students, and/or organizations.
Best wishes,
Niels Grobbe
Sjoerd de Ridder
Session Title:
S023: On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics
Primary Convener:
Niels Grobbe
Sjoerd de Ridder
Session Description
Geophysicists study the Earth on scales ranging from the critical zone to the entire globe. Often an artificial distinction is being made between fundamental and exploration (or applied) geophysics. The former focuses on understanding natural and physical Earth phenomena, whereas the latter primarily focuses on applications for industry and society. Scientists from these two communities often publish in different journals and attend different conferences and sessions. However, both communities strongly benefit from scientific discoveries and technological developments made by each other.
With this session, we aim to bring both communities together for exchange and discussion. What are the shared advances and what lessons can we learn from each other? We welcome contributions from (but not limited too):
Seismology and seismics (noise-correlations, waveform inversion, source characterization)
Rock physics (larger fault systems versus microcracks)
Gravity and Magnetics
Stress-mechanics (crustal scale versus reservoir scale)
Electromagnetics (magnetotellurics versus controlled-source electromagnetics)
Numerical studies
Laboratory studies
Session information and abstract submission:
View Related Events
Section: Seismology
Co-Sponsored: JpGU: Japan GeoScience Union
Co-Organized: NS - Near Surface Geophysics
Dr. Niels Grobbe
Assistant Professor (Asst. Researcher)
Hydrogeophysics and Geophysics
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics & Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Water Resources Research Center
E: ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>; ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>; ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>
T: +1(808)956-5857;
M: +1(857)316-5329;
it is our great pleasure to announce our 2018 AGU Fall Meeting session:
On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics
We invite contributions covering all disciplines of geophysics (e.g. Seismology, Electromagnetics, Potential Field Methods, Rock Physics) and all aspects (e.g. theory, numerical, laboratory, field), focused on the shared advances, technological developments and scientific discoveries made in either the fundamental or exploration geophysical community that benefit both and bring both communities closer together.
Our listed invited speakers are:
* Greg Beroza - Stanford University
* Fan-Chi Lin - University of Utah
More information on the session can be found below, including a link for abstract submissions. We herewith would like to warmly invite you to submit an abstract to this session.
Abstract submission is already open, and the deadline for submissions is Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 23:59 EDT.
The meeting will be held on December 10-14, 2018 in Washington D.C.
We sincerely hope you will consider submitting one or multiple abstracts to our session, such that together we can make this a great success. Also, please feel free to forward this announcement to any interested colleagues, students, and/or organizations.
Best wishes,
Niels Grobbe
Sjoerd de Ridder
Session Title:
S023: On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics
Primary Convener:
Niels Grobbe
Sjoerd de Ridder
Session Description
Geophysicists study the Earth on scales ranging from the critical zone to the entire globe. Often an artificial distinction is being made between fundamental and exploration (or applied) geophysics. The former focuses on understanding natural and physical Earth phenomena, whereas the latter primarily focuses on applications for industry and society. Scientists from these two communities often publish in different journals and attend different conferences and sessions. However, both communities strongly benefit from scientific discoveries and technological developments made by each other.
With this session, we aim to bring both communities together for exchange and discussion. What are the shared advances and what lessons can we learn from each other? We welcome contributions from (but not limited too):
Seismology and seismics (noise-correlations, waveform inversion, source characterization)
Rock physics (larger fault systems versus microcracks)
Gravity and Magnetics
Stress-mechanics (crustal scale versus reservoir scale)
Electromagnetics (magnetotellurics versus controlled-source electromagnetics)
Numerical studies
Laboratory studies
Session information and abstract submission:
View Related Events
Section: Seismology
Co-Sponsored: JpGU: Japan GeoScience Union
Co-Organized: NS - Near Surface Geophysics
Dr. Niels Grobbe
Assistant Professor (Asst. Researcher)
Hydrogeophysics and Geophysics
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics & Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
Water Resources Research Center
E: ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>; ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>; ngrobbe<at> <ngrobbe<at>>
T: +1(808)956-5857;
M: +1(857)316-5329;