We wanted to bring to your attention that the Session 50507 during the
AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. (, and titled Application of
integrated, digital datasets to better inform Caribbean region: natural
hazards, resources, and governmental planning, will be a good
opportunity for presenting results of your research. Please consider
this kind invitation.
Session Description:
As in many other areas, new integrated, digital, and easy to access data
sets are transforming our understanding of the Caribbean. in the
previous era, most data was subdivided by country, so the many, small
countries and island nations of the Caribbean were at disadvantage for
understanding their environment, natural hazards related to larger-scale
plate motions, and natural resources. Specific areas where these
datasets are available include seismology, geodesy, potential fields,
heat flow, active faults, earthquake focal mechanisms, crustal and
lithospheric thickness, subducted slabs and mantle tomography, climate,
and sea level. We welcome scientific contributions that make use of
large datasets in these areas.
Carlos A. Vargas, National University of Colombia at Bogota
Paul Mann, University of Houston
Victor Huerfano, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Antonio Teixel, University of Barcelona
Best regards,
The convener team
Dr. Victor A. Huerfano
Puerto Rico Seismic Network
Research Professor and Interim Director
Ph: (787) 8338433
Fx: (787) 2651684
"Let the love of learning rule humanity" Phi-Kappa-Phi
AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. (, and titled Application of
integrated, digital datasets to better inform Caribbean region: natural
hazards, resources, and governmental planning, will be a good
opportunity for presenting results of your research. Please consider
this kind invitation.
Session Description:
As in many other areas, new integrated, digital, and easy to access data
sets are transforming our understanding of the Caribbean. in the
previous era, most data was subdivided by country, so the many, small
countries and island nations of the Caribbean were at disadvantage for
understanding their environment, natural hazards related to larger-scale
plate motions, and natural resources. Specific areas where these
datasets are available include seismology, geodesy, potential fields,
heat flow, active faults, earthquake focal mechanisms, crustal and
lithospheric thickness, subducted slabs and mantle tomography, climate,
and sea level. We welcome scientific contributions that make use of
large datasets in these areas.
Carlos A. Vargas, National University of Colombia at Bogota
Paul Mann, University of Houston
Victor Huerfano, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Antonio Teixel, University of Barcelona
Best regards,
The convener team
Dr. Victor A. Huerfano
Puerto Rico Seismic Network
Research Professor and Interim Director
Ph: (787) 8338433
Fx: (787) 2651684
"Let the love of learning rule humanity" Phi-Kappa-Phi