Thread: AGU Session: T028: Mountain Building in Collisional and Cordilleran Orogenic Systems

Started: 2018-07-24 18:22:52
Last activity: 2018-07-24 18:22:52
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting a contribution to the following session at the
AGU 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. The deadline is approaching;
Wednesday, 1 August 23:59 EDT.

T028: Mountain Building in Collisional and Cordilleran Orogenic Systems
Session ID: 50493
Session Description:
Major global mountain belts are fundamentally linked to convergent plate
margin processes. Though new multidisciplinary datasets continue to improve
spatial and temporal reconstructions of orogenic systems, determining the
geodynamic mechanisms influencing mountain building remains an outstanding
challenge in tectonics. Orogenesis has traditionally been divided into
end-member collisional or cordilleran styles based on convergent margin
type. However, ongoing research reveals significant internal variability
within collision and subduction zones, as well as important similarities in
the structure and evolution of collisional and cordilleran orogenic systems.
This session seeks to bring together geological, geophysical, and
geodynamic research from diverse orogenic environments to improve
spatiotemporal models of convergent margin mountain building. We invite
contributions from seismology, geodesy, geodynamic modeling, geo- and
thermochronology, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, and
structural geology that investigate orogenic structure, evolution, and
potential driving mechanisms. We particularly encourage studies that
combine multidisciplinary datasets, or compare datasets from collisional
and cordilleran mountain belts.

Invited Authors:
Laurent Husson, CNRS, ISTerre, Grenoble
Martine Simoes, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland, University of Texas at Austin
Jean-Baptiste Ammirati, University of Chile
Magali Riesner, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Robert W Porritt, University of Texas at Austin

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