2018-08-16 14:04:57
Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to attend a British Geophysical Association sponsored meeting on ‘The Future of Passive Seismic Acquisition’ to be held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK on November 12-13, 2018.
The last 20-30 years has seen significant developments in the deployment and analysis of passive seismic data. This ranges from microseismic monitoring on faults, volcanoes or for energy production, to large scale imaging of the crust and mantle to understand tectonic/geodynamic processes. Recently there has been a move towards collecting large data sets, both spatially and temporally. This includes an increasing use of low power, easy to deploy land sensors and marine acquisition through ocean bottom seismometers or autonomous drones. This meeting is a chance to learn from past experiences and think about what the next 20-30 years will bring. Sessions and panel discussions will mix academic and industrial participants to generate a blend of new ideas.
For more information, please see our website: https://nagedinburgh.wordpress.comhttps://nagedinburgh.wordpress.com/
We have an excellent list of invited speakers covering novel deployments, new instrumentation and processing methodology:
* Michel Campillo (Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
* John Collins (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, US)
* Fiona Darbyshire (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
* Yann Hello (CNRS Geoazur, France)
* John Hole (Virginia Tech, US)
* Heiner Igel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München, Germany)
* Hitoshi Kawakatsu (ERI, University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Mike Kendall (University of Bristol/BGS, UK)
* Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)
* Hanneke Paulson (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
* Brandon Schmandt (University of New Mexico, US)
* Spahr Webb (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, US)
Additionally, a number of leading industrial partners will present their latest products and plans for future developments:
* Avalon Sciences Ltd
* Digos Potsdam GmbH
* Guralp
* K.U.M. GmbH
We also invite submissions (https://nagedinburgh.wordpress.com/submit-an-abstract/) from geoscientists and engineers interested in passive seismic acquisition, from instrumentation design through deployment to the new scientific methods that require new innovative instrumentation.
We particularly welcome early career scientists and PhD students to contribute to the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh,
James Hammond
on behalf of the meeting steering committee
(James Hammond, Nick Harmon, Karin Sigloch, Nick Rawlinson, Andrew Curtis, Brian Baptie)
James Hammond
Senior Lecturer in Geophysics
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street
We warmly invite you to attend a British Geophysical Association sponsored meeting on ‘The Future of Passive Seismic Acquisition’ to be held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK on November 12-13, 2018.
The last 20-30 years has seen significant developments in the deployment and analysis of passive seismic data. This ranges from microseismic monitoring on faults, volcanoes or for energy production, to large scale imaging of the crust and mantle to understand tectonic/geodynamic processes. Recently there has been a move towards collecting large data sets, both spatially and temporally. This includes an increasing use of low power, easy to deploy land sensors and marine acquisition through ocean bottom seismometers or autonomous drones. This meeting is a chance to learn from past experiences and think about what the next 20-30 years will bring. Sessions and panel discussions will mix academic and industrial participants to generate a blend of new ideas.
For more information, please see our website: https://nagedinburgh.wordpress.comhttps://nagedinburgh.wordpress.com/
We have an excellent list of invited speakers covering novel deployments, new instrumentation and processing methodology:
* Michel Campillo (Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
* John Collins (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, US)
* Fiona Darbyshire (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
* Yann Hello (CNRS Geoazur, France)
* John Hole (Virginia Tech, US)
* Heiner Igel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München, Germany)
* Hitoshi Kawakatsu (ERI, University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Mike Kendall (University of Bristol/BGS, UK)
* Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)
* Hanneke Paulson (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
* Brandon Schmandt (University of New Mexico, US)
* Spahr Webb (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, US)
Additionally, a number of leading industrial partners will present their latest products and plans for future developments:
* Avalon Sciences Ltd
* Digos Potsdam GmbH
* Guralp
* K.U.M. GmbH
We also invite submissions (https://nagedinburgh.wordpress.com/submit-an-abstract/) from geoscientists and engineers interested in passive seismic acquisition, from instrumentation design through deployment to the new scientific methods that require new innovative instrumentation.
We particularly welcome early career scientists and PhD students to contribute to the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh,
James Hammond
on behalf of the meeting steering committee
(James Hammond, Nick Harmon, Karin Sigloch, Nick Rawlinson, Andrew Curtis, Brian Baptie)
James Hammond
Senior Lecturer in Geophysics
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street