Institution: University of Grenoble
Open Until: 2018-12-31
These positions are part of the ERC-funded MONIFAULT project: “Monitoring real faults towards their critical state”. The project brings together researchers from the ISTerre laboratory of the University of Grenoble, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Southern California and University of La Sapiena (Rome). The aim of the project is to develop novel techniques to analyze and classify seismological data to study the evolution of stress in real faults. Furthermore, we are planning to include other independent geophysical observations, such as GPS and velocity variations from ambient noise correlations, to better study the dynamics of faults during the earthquake cycle, with particular interest in the preparation phase of major earthquakes.
We are seeking to recruit two PDRAs who will develop and apply machine learning techniques to analyse and classify near-fault seismological data. The candidates must have a good background in seismology and/or rock physics with strong data processing and numerical skills. Alternatively, experts in machine learning coming from other disciplines are welcome.
The positions will be full time for 24 months, based at the Earth Science Laboratory ( of the University of Grenoble. Candidates are asked to send CV and letter of recommendation to piero.poli at
Applications will be reviewed starting from September 1st2018
Closing date: Until position is filled
Tentative Starting date: January 1st2019
Open Until: 2018-12-31
These positions are part of the ERC-funded MONIFAULT project: “Monitoring real faults towards their critical state”. The project brings together researchers from the ISTerre laboratory of the University of Grenoble, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Southern California and University of La Sapiena (Rome). The aim of the project is to develop novel techniques to analyze and classify seismological data to study the evolution of stress in real faults. Furthermore, we are planning to include other independent geophysical observations, such as GPS and velocity variations from ambient noise correlations, to better study the dynamics of faults during the earthquake cycle, with particular interest in the preparation phase of major earthquakes.
We are seeking to recruit two PDRAs who will develop and apply machine learning techniques to analyse and classify near-fault seismological data. The candidates must have a good background in seismology and/or rock physics with strong data processing and numerical skills. Alternatively, experts in machine learning coming from other disciplines are welcome.
The positions will be full time for 24 months, based at the Earth Science Laboratory ( of the University of Grenoble. Candidates are asked to send CV and letter of recommendation to piero.poli at
Applications will be reviewed starting from September 1st2018
Closing date: Until position is filled
Tentative Starting date: January 1st2019