2018-11-28 06:56:53
International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
Main Theme: Sustainable and Seismic-Safe Society
Dates: September 15th to 19th, 2019
Website: http://chichi20.org
Important Dates: Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31, January, 2019
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following areas:
· Earthquake geology and active faults
· Active tectonics and observations
· Physics-based earthquake phenomena and ground motion prediction
· Engineering seismology
· Near fault ground motion
· Geotechnical earthquake engineering
· Seismic design, evaluation and retrofit
· Seismic loss and risk assessment
· Monitoring and early warning
· Advanced method for simulation
· Photogrammetry and visualization
· Lessons learned from post-disaster response and recovery
· Policy and implementation for reducing risk
· Public-private-partnership for risk management
Keynote speakers
John Vidale, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Kazuhiko Kasai, Norman Abrahamson, Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Kuo-Fong Ma
Invited lectures and speakers by Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (TEC)
Kerry Shieh, Paul Tappanior, Koji Okumura, Jim Mori, Fabrice Cotton, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Aitaro Kato, Satoshi Ide, Heidi Huston, Mark Stirling, Matt Gerstenberger, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Ken Hao, Yoshihiro Ito, Hino Ryota, Shin Aoi, David Oglesby, Hiroyuki Noda, Weiren Lin, Hiroki Sone, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Simon Dadson, Jacques Malavieille, Donald Fisher, Honn Kao, Katsumi Hattori, Athanassios Ganas, James Hollingsworth, Ban Kuo, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Yih-Min Wu, Jann-Yenq Liu, Su-Chin Chen, Pei-Ling Wang
Sponsored by TEC, NCREE, NCDR
Main Theme: Sustainable and Seismic-Safe Society
Dates: September 15th to 19th, 2019
Website: http://chichi20.org
Important Dates: Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31, January, 2019
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following areas:
· Earthquake geology and active faults
· Active tectonics and observations
· Physics-based earthquake phenomena and ground motion prediction
· Engineering seismology
· Near fault ground motion
· Geotechnical earthquake engineering
· Seismic design, evaluation and retrofit
· Seismic loss and risk assessment
· Monitoring and early warning
· Advanced method for simulation
· Photogrammetry and visualization
· Lessons learned from post-disaster response and recovery
· Policy and implementation for reducing risk
· Public-private-partnership for risk management
Keynote speakers
John Vidale, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Kazuhiko Kasai, Norman Abrahamson, Shyh-Jiann Hwang, Kuo-Fong Ma
Invited lectures and speakers by Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (TEC)
Kerry Shieh, Paul Tappanior, Koji Okumura, Jim Mori, Fabrice Cotton, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Aitaro Kato, Satoshi Ide, Heidi Huston, Mark Stirling, Matt Gerstenberger, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Ken Hao, Yoshihiro Ito, Hino Ryota, Shin Aoi, David Oglesby, Hiroyuki Noda, Weiren Lin, Hiroki Sone, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Simon Dadson, Jacques Malavieille, Donald Fisher, Honn Kao, Katsumi Hattori, Athanassios Ganas, James Hollingsworth, Ban Kuo, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Yih-Min Wu, Jann-Yenq Liu, Su-Chin Chen, Pei-Ling Wang
Sponsored by TEC, NCREE, NCDR