Thread: Andean Geodynamics

Started: 2018-12-07 04:34:17
Last activity: 2018-12-07 04:34:17
Topics: Other Meetings
Anne Meltzer
2018-12-07 04:34:17
The 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG) will be held
in Quito, Ecuador September 24-26th, 2019.

For meeting details, the Second Circular, and registration information

The +6000 km-long Andean Cordillera represents a unique natural laboratory
for studying the geological and geodynamical process associated with the
construction and development of a continental mountain range. A decade
after the last ISAG in Nice, we have decided to revive this unique
symposium on Andean geology and geodynamics but also its related economical
and social issues.

Anne Meltzer
Professor and Trembley Chair
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lehigh University
1 West Packer Av, Bethlehem PA 18015

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