Within the framework of the SEAFOOD projet (Seafloor Fiber Optic
Observatory for Distributed measurements), funded by the French National
Research Agency (ANR), we are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher
and a PhD student in the field of acoustics and/or seismology to work on
marine applications of the cutting-edge technique of Distributed Acoustic
Sensing (DAS), a new instrumental approach which has already demonstrated
its large potential for the monitoring of a variety of processes in land.
DAS exploits the great sensitivity of optical fibers to acoustic
perturbations to turn standard telecom cables into high density seismic
arrays. The technology has been around for at least a decade and exploited
in the oil and gas industry, yet there has been only a limited number of
applications in Earth science. The aim of the project will be to develop
its potential to provide new observations on the seafloor that advance our
understanding of Earth-related processes. The exploitation of the DAS
records, equivalent to an array of thousands of sensors, will require the
development of techniques for the identification and the reliable
extraction of relevant signals.
You will join a dynamic group of scientists working on the approach with
various applications such as seismology, marine geophysics, optics, crustal
mechanics, and sedimentology.
The successful candidates are expected to have experience in signal
processing and programming, to have good written and oral communication
skills in English, and a result-oriented proactive attitude for publishing
scientific results in top refereed journals. Knowledge of machine learning
techniques will be considered a strong plus.
Postdoc details and application procedure
Candidate proposal will be examined until position is filled. The
position can open as early as April 1st, 2019, and early start will be
strongly appreciated.
The salary will be paid in accordance with the France CNRS criteria, and
net income will be in the range of 2000-2800€/month depending on experience,
Duration will be 12 to 18 months, depending on experience and start of
the position, with options for extension,
Proposal must be sent by e-mail to anthony.sladen<at>geoazur.unice.fr
with e-mail subject "SEAFOOD Postdoc position". The proposal must
contain: 1/ a motivation letter with proposed position starting date, 2/ a
vitae, including at least 2 references with name, address, e-mail and
professional relation, 3/ a brief description of your research activities,
including the list of scientific publications and communications.
PhD details and application procedure
Applications will be examined until May 15, 2019 for a start of the
positionOctober 1st, 2019,
The net salary will be in about 1400€/month for a contract of 3 years
(36 months),
Proposal must be sent by e-mail to anthony.sladen<at>geoazur.unice.fr
with e-mail subject "SEAFOOD PhD position". The proposal must contain:
1/ a motivation letter with proposed position starting date, 2/ a vitae,
including at least 2 references with name, address, e-mail and professional
Additional information
Geoazur is a large academic research unit focused on Earth science and
located in Sophia-Antipolis, a leading European technology park, just
outside the city of Nice. Geoazur is part of the University Côte d'Azur
(UCA) and Observatory Côte d'Azur (OCA).
References on the topic
Jousset, P., Reinsch, T., Ryberg, T., Blanck, H., Clarke, A., Aghayev, R.,
... & Krawczyk, C. M. (2018). Dynamic strain determination using
fibre-optic cables allows imaging of seismological and structural
features. Nature
communications, 9(1), 2509.
Lindsey, N. J., Martin, E. R., Dreger, D. S., Freifeld, B., Cole, S.,
James, S. R., ... & Ajo‐Franklin, J. B. (2017). Fiber‐Optic Network
Observations of Earthquake Wavefields. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(23),
Observatory for Distributed measurements), funded by the French National
Research Agency (ANR), we are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher
and a PhD student in the field of acoustics and/or seismology to work on
marine applications of the cutting-edge technique of Distributed Acoustic
Sensing (DAS), a new instrumental approach which has already demonstrated
its large potential for the monitoring of a variety of processes in land.
DAS exploits the great sensitivity of optical fibers to acoustic
perturbations to turn standard telecom cables into high density seismic
arrays. The technology has been around for at least a decade and exploited
in the oil and gas industry, yet there has been only a limited number of
applications in Earth science. The aim of the project will be to develop
its potential to provide new observations on the seafloor that advance our
understanding of Earth-related processes. The exploitation of the DAS
records, equivalent to an array of thousands of sensors, will require the
development of techniques for the identification and the reliable
extraction of relevant signals.
You will join a dynamic group of scientists working on the approach with
various applications such as seismology, marine geophysics, optics, crustal
mechanics, and sedimentology.
The successful candidates are expected to have experience in signal
processing and programming, to have good written and oral communication
skills in English, and a result-oriented proactive attitude for publishing
scientific results in top refereed journals. Knowledge of machine learning
techniques will be considered a strong plus.
Postdoc details and application procedure
Candidate proposal will be examined until position is filled. The
position can open as early as April 1st, 2019, and early start will be
strongly appreciated.
The salary will be paid in accordance with the France CNRS criteria, and
net income will be in the range of 2000-2800€/month depending on experience,
Duration will be 12 to 18 months, depending on experience and start of
the position, with options for extension,
Proposal must be sent by e-mail to anthony.sladen<at>geoazur.unice.fr
with e-mail subject "SEAFOOD Postdoc position". The proposal must
contain: 1/ a motivation letter with proposed position starting date, 2/ a
vitae, including at least 2 references with name, address, e-mail and
professional relation, 3/ a brief description of your research activities,
including the list of scientific publications and communications.
PhD details and application procedure
Applications will be examined until May 15, 2019 for a start of the
positionOctober 1st, 2019,
The net salary will be in about 1400€/month for a contract of 3 years
(36 months),
Proposal must be sent by e-mail to anthony.sladen<at>geoazur.unice.fr
with e-mail subject "SEAFOOD PhD position". The proposal must contain:
1/ a motivation letter with proposed position starting date, 2/ a vitae,
including at least 2 references with name, address, e-mail and professional
Additional information
Geoazur is a large academic research unit focused on Earth science and
located in Sophia-Antipolis, a leading European technology park, just
outside the city of Nice. Geoazur is part of the University Côte d'Azur
(UCA) and Observatory Côte d'Azur (OCA).
References on the topic
Jousset, P., Reinsch, T., Ryberg, T., Blanck, H., Clarke, A., Aghayev, R.,
... & Krawczyk, C. M. (2018). Dynamic strain determination using
fibre-optic cables allows imaging of seismological and structural
features. Nature
communications, 9(1), 2509.
Lindsey, N. J., Martin, E. R., Dreger, D. S., Freifeld, B., Cole, S.,
James, S. R., ... & Ajo‐Franklin, J. B. (2017). Fiber‐Optic Network
Observations of Earthquake Wavefields. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(23),