Thread: 30-months researcher position in seismology for project SIGHT SeIsmic and Geochemical constraints on the Madeira HoTspot syste

Started: 2019-01-18 10:39:32
Last activity: 2019-01-18 10:39:32
Institution: Instituto Dom Luiz
Open Until: 2019-02-15

The FCiências - Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon is hiring a Researcher for project SIGHT: SeIsmic and Geochemical constraints on the Madeira HoTspot system

Project SIGHT is a portuguese project that aims to image the deep structure beneath Madeira Island, as an attempt to significantly improve our knowledge on the mantle upwelling processes involved on the genesis of this hotspot. More details on the project below.

Job description: Researcher Position 30-months contract
Start date: March 2019
Duration: 30-months.

The application should open in February 1st, but only for 10 business days and will be released on the webpage. For more details please contact mdsilveira<at>

Required skills
Academic degree: PhD in seismology/geophysics
Other requirements: Expertise on seismic receiver functions, surface waves and seismic anisotropy. Good programming skills.

Applicants with doctoral degrees obtained in foreign countries need, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 341/2007, of October 12th, as regulated by Government Order No. 227/2017, of July 25th, to be registered as holders of a doctoral degree, with all inherent entitlements. Applicants to whom, under the terms of Decree-Law No. 283/83, of June 21th, equivalence or recognition of the degree of Doctor has been granted are also valid. The presentation of the registration / recognition /equivalence certificate is mandatory for contract signature.

Salary: The gross monthly salary entitle is stipulated in clause 1 of article 5 of the Regulatory Decree No. 11-A/2017, of December 29th, corresponding to level 33 of the Consolidated Table of Allowances, as approved by Government Order No. 1553-C/2008, of December 31st, being 2,128.34 Euros, plus holiday and Christmas allowances, as well as food allowance, in value and conditions for workers with a legal relationship of employment under the Labour Code.

University of Lisbon:
Faculty of Sciences:
Instituto Dom Luiz:

More on the project:

SIGHT - SeIsmic and Geochemical constraints on the Madeira HoTspot system

This project will employ a joint seismic and geochemical approach to unravel the geodynamic processes behind the generation of volcanism at Madeira hotspot. To achieve these aims, we will combine the latest advances in receiver function analyses, ambient noise tomography and H/V, SKS splitting, and noble gas (He and Ne) analyses to investigate the influence of a mantle plume in the generation of Madeira’s volcanism, and for investigating plume/lithosphere interaction. This will deliver a 3D integrated model that will offer a crisper picture of Madeira’s hotspot system and of the wider region’s structure, also contributing to the evaluation of the geothermal potential of the island. Crucially, the project will capitalize on a wealth of existing high-quality broadband seismic data, collected throughout the region for more than 20 years, which with the proposed noble gas geochemistry will allow us to deliver a solid new perspective on the origin of hotspots in the NE Atlantic.

Key Questions

. Is Madeira’s volcanism fed by a deep-seated mantle plume?
. Do the Madeira and Canary hotspots have a common or distinct origin?
. What is the lithospheric nature of the corridor between the Canaries and the Atlas-Gibraltar?

An interesting by-product of SIGHT is a contribution to the evaluation of the geothermal potential of Madeira, which has a direct societal application.

Project Tasks

Task 1 - Data Assembling
Task 2 - 3D Imaging of Madeira crustal structure using both seismic ambient noise and earthquake data
Task 3 - Geochemical constraints on the depth of the mantle contributions to the Madeira magmatism.
Task 4 - Imaging the main inner earth discontinuities and mantle anisotropy
Task 5 Synthesis and geodynamical interpretation

Project Team

The project involves a large international team between Instituto Dom Luiz/University of Lisbon (PI: Graca Silveira, João Mata, José Madeira, Ricardo Ramalho, Susana Custódio, Luís Matias, among others), University College London (Ana Ferreira), Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, Barcelona (Martin Schimmel), University of Cambridge (Sanne Cottaar) and Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome (Claudia Piromallo). The researcher hired will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with the whole team.

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