Institution: Universidad de Chile
Open Until: 2019-02-01
A post-doctoral researcher is sought to conduct research on ground motion simulation, nonlinear wave propagation, and soil-structure interaction. The main objective of this postdoctoral position is to develop state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element/difference method models to improve the prediction capabilities of the seismic demand on critical infrastructure.
The post-doc position is available in the research group composed by Dr. César Pastén (UChile), Dr. Rodrigo Astroza (UAndes), Dr. Ramiro Bazáez (USM), Dr. Francisco Hernández (UChile), and Dr. Felipe Ochoa-Cornejo (UChile). The researcher will work on a multi-institutional research initiative funded by the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).
We are looking for a highly motivated applicant in geotechnical earthquake engineering with strong background and experience in geotechnical engineering, bridge structures, finite element/difference modeling, and earthquake engineering. To apply, please send your CV/Resume (including a complete list of publications), a personal statement summarizing your research and career goals, and a list of three references (including Ph.D. advisor) in a single PDF to Dr. Cesar Pasten (cpasten<at> and Dr. Rodrigo Astroza (rastroza<at> with the email subject "Post-doc Position Application."
Required and desired qualifications:
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Earthquake Engineering, or closely related field of study.
Applicants must have a strong background in numerical modeling with finite element/difference methods and earthquake engineering.
Applicants must have strong interest and self-motivation in performing cutting-edge research, transferring the gained knowledge to real-world applications, and to publish findings in high-impact journals.
Applicants must have experience with structural finite element software, such as ANSYS, OpenSees, and/or SAP2000.
About Chile:
Chile is a long and slender country located in the west of South America with a stable and booming economy, being one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies in recent decades. Well-known as one of the most seismic countries in the world, Chile has developed vast knowledge and experience in resilient infrastructure and earthquake engineering and seismology.
Open Until: 2019-02-01
A post-doctoral researcher is sought to conduct research on ground motion simulation, nonlinear wave propagation, and soil-structure interaction. The main objective of this postdoctoral position is to develop state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element/difference method models to improve the prediction capabilities of the seismic demand on critical infrastructure.
The post-doc position is available in the research group composed by Dr. César Pastén (UChile), Dr. Rodrigo Astroza (UAndes), Dr. Ramiro Bazáez (USM), Dr. Francisco Hernández (UChile), and Dr. Felipe Ochoa-Cornejo (UChile). The researcher will work on a multi-institutional research initiative funded by the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).
We are looking for a highly motivated applicant in geotechnical earthquake engineering with strong background and experience in geotechnical engineering, bridge structures, finite element/difference modeling, and earthquake engineering. To apply, please send your CV/Resume (including a complete list of publications), a personal statement summarizing your research and career goals, and a list of three references (including Ph.D. advisor) in a single PDF to Dr. Cesar Pasten (cpasten<at> and Dr. Rodrigo Astroza (rastroza<at> with the email subject "Post-doc Position Application."
Required and desired qualifications:
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Earthquake Engineering, or closely related field of study.
Applicants must have a strong background in numerical modeling with finite element/difference methods and earthquake engineering.
Applicants must have strong interest and self-motivation in performing cutting-edge research, transferring the gained knowledge to real-world applications, and to publish findings in high-impact journals.
Applicants must have experience with structural finite element software, such as ANSYS, OpenSees, and/or SAP2000.
About Chile:
Chile is a long and slender country located in the west of South America with a stable and booming economy, being one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies in recent decades. Well-known as one of the most seismic countries in the world, Chile has developed vast knowledge and experience in resilient infrastructure and earthquake engineering and seismology.