Dear all,
The Institute for Geophysics and Tectonics at the University of Leeds (UK) is looking to recruit a postdoctoral research fellow in Geophysics. The researcher will work on topics related to the deformation and seismicity of subducting slabs, using a combination of observational seismology and geodynamic modelling. The position is expected to start in, or shortly after, July this year. This post is funded by the Royal Society, with funding currently available for 18 months.
For informal enquiries, please contact me directly at T.J.Craig<at><T.J.Craig<at>>. Full details, and how to apply, can be found at Applications must be made through the University of Leeds website, and are due by 19th March.
Please also feel free to forward this advertisement on to any suitable candidates who are not on this mailing list,
Many thanks,
P.S - Apologies for any cross-posting!
Tim Craig
Royal Society University Research Fellow,
Institute for Geophysics and Tectonics,
School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK.
Email: t.j.craig<at><t.j.craig<at>>
Tel: +44 (0) 113 343 5543
The Institute for Geophysics and Tectonics at the University of Leeds (UK) is looking to recruit a postdoctoral research fellow in Geophysics. The researcher will work on topics related to the deformation and seismicity of subducting slabs, using a combination of observational seismology and geodynamic modelling. The position is expected to start in, or shortly after, July this year. This post is funded by the Royal Society, with funding currently available for 18 months.
For informal enquiries, please contact me directly at T.J.Craig<at><T.J.Craig<at>>. Full details, and how to apply, can be found at Applications must be made through the University of Leeds website, and are due by 19th March.
Please also feel free to forward this advertisement on to any suitable candidates who are not on this mailing list,
Many thanks,
P.S - Apologies for any cross-posting!
Tim Craig
Royal Society University Research Fellow,
Institute for Geophysics and Tectonics,
School of Earth and Environment,
University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK.
Email: t.j.craig<at><t.j.craig<at>>
Tel: +44 (0) 113 343 5543