Thread: EPOS Seismology Workshop 2019

Started: 2019-04-15 19:44:57
Last activity: 2019-04-15 19:44:57
Topics: Other Meetings
Carlo Cauzzi
2019-04-15 19:44:57
Dear Colleague,

the 2019 EPOS Seismology ( workshop
will be held in Grenoble, France, on 7-10 October 2019, including the
ORFEUS ( Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop and the meeting of the
EMSC ( General Assembly.

The workshop will focus on the following thematic areas:

- Big Data in Seismology
- Real-Time Seismological Data Products
- Data Quality, Availability, Accessibility
- Current and Future EPOS Seismology Services

The workshop will comprise oral, poster and demo / hands-on sessions.
We anticipate invited lectures in all thematic areas by renowned European experts.

More information, including the detailed workshop program and registration procedure, will be made available in the coming weeks.

Please save the dates in your calendars!
Looking forward to meeting many of you in Grenoble this fall!

The Organising Committee.


Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst
ETH Zürich

Dr. Carlo Cauzzi
NO FO 69.7
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

phone: +41-44-6339161

ORFEUS Secretary General


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