Thread: PhD Position (f/m/x)

Started: 2019-06-13 14:48:40
Last activity: 2019-06-13 14:48:40
as mediendesign
2019-06-13 14:48:40
Institution: The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Open Until: 2019-07-03

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national research centre for Earth sciences in Germany. With approx. 1,260 employees (including visiting scientists), the GFZ is conducting interdisciplinary research on the "System Earth" and the influence of humans on the planet. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, it is part of Germany's largest science organization.

For section 2.1 "Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes" and section 2.6 "Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics" we invite applications for a

PhD Position (f/m/x)
Job Vacancy No. 3041
We seek a motivated scientist (m/f/x) for a position funded by the European Union in the RISE project "Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe” who will work in the workpackages "WP3 Advancing operational earthquake forecasting and earthquake predictability" and "WP7 Rigorous testing and validation of dynamic risk components".

We aim for the development and testing of time-dependent earthquake probability models. These models will seamlessly bridge the gap between long-term hazard assessment and earthquake early warning, and are the basic input to time-dependent risk assessment and decision support. In particular, we want to develop new seismicity models exploiting new data and machine learning approaches and test their capability in comparison to existing statistical and physics-based models. The work will equally focus on model development and testing and the candidate will collaborate with PhD candidates from other institutions working on development and testing. The development of models as well of the testing procedures will be done in the framework of the Collaboratory on the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). An important task of the project is to work on the new CSEP 2.0 software code for CSEP testing centers, which will expand the CSEP software to allow tailored testing of specific scientific hypotheses that do not fit into the current the CSEP framework.

Your responsibilities:
designing and implementing tests to evaluate tailored hypothesis e.g. concerning foreshock recognition and statistical differences between on- and off-fault seismicity and on-fault activity
test new data and machine learning approaches to improve seismicity models
participate in the software development of CSEP 2.0 (for testing) and PyMap (for model development)
write publications
close cooperation with partners in several institutions in Europe and beyond
Your qualifications:
Master's degree in Geophysics, Computer Science or a neighbouring discipline
broad knowledge and experience in:
software development with strong programming skills in Python
data modelling and statistics
willingness to work in an international, interdisciplinary team
Starting date: 1st September 2019
Fixed term: 3 years
Salary: This position has been assessed as being salary group 13 according to "TVöD Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost)". The salary group will be determined by the conditions of the collective wage agreement and the appropriate personal qualifications.
Working hours: 75% (currently 29.25 h/week)
Location: Potsdam
You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects. The compatibility of work and family life is of particular concern to the GFZ. Therefore, it offers the opportunity for flexible working time and workplaces. Moreover, there is a kindergarten located on the research campus.

The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (, and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.

Please submit your application by 3rd July 2019 using the "Apply" button.


If you have any questions regarding this job offer, please feel free to call Ms Buge at +49 (0) 331-288-28878.

Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.

We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful.
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