Thread: AGU session on magma-tectonic interactions

Started: 2019-06-20 18:03:21
Last activity: 2019-06-20 18:03:21
Topics: AGU Meetings
Oliva, Sarah Jaye C
2019-06-20 18:03:21

Dear colleagues,

The AGU 2019 abstract submission is now open!

We wish to invite you to consider contributing your AGU Fall Meeting abstract to the following session focusing on magma-tectonic interactions:

Session Title: V026. Interactions between Magmatism, Tectonics, and Faulting in Rifts, Arcs, Ridges, Calderas, and Volcanic Fields

View Session Details:

Interactions between magmatism, tectonics, and faulting occur at different temporal and spatial scales, as they are observed from individual volcanoes to plate boundaries, during single eruptive events or over centuries. However, our current understanding is still limited due to a lack of integrated approaches. Field, geodetic, and modeling studies suggest that earthquakes can trigger volcanic eruptions and intrusions through static and dynamic stress transfer. Conversely, magmatic activity can generate earthquakes via stress changes in surrounding country rock. In rifting events, magmatic fluids can release tectonic stresses and also be influenced by pre-existing fracture zones. Finally, the combined effects of magmatic, gravitational, and tectonic stresses can trigger caldera and volcano flank collapse. We strongly encourage multidisciplinary studies integrating geodesy, structural geology, volcanology, geochemistry, seismology, stress analysis, and/or modeling (numerical and analogical) to decipher relationships between magmatic, tectonic, and faulting processes at different temporal and spatial scales.

We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco!

Session Conveners:
Christelle Wauthier (Pennsylvania State University)
James Muirhead (Syracuse University)
Joël Ruch (University of Geneva)
Sarah Jaye Oliva (Tulane University)


Sarah Jaye Oliva

Graduate student

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tulane University



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