Thread: AGU Session S012: Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards

Started: 2019-06-26 14:15:34
Last activity: 2019-06-26 14:15:34
Topics: AGU Meetings
Hello everyone,

For those of you who have yet to submit an AGU abstract, please consider our session "S012: Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards" which aims to investigate different triggering mechanisms between earthquakes and other natural hazards (including earthquakes) through different observations, methods and etc.

Submit here:

Session Title:
S012. Earthquakes Related Cascading Hazards

Primary Section:

Dr. Shanshan Li (Florida International University, USA), shli<at>
Dr. Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech, USA), zpeng<at>
Dr. Shimon Wdowinski (Florida International University, USA), swdowins<at>
Dr. Philippe Steer (University of Rennes 1, France), philippe.steer<at>

Session Description:
It is now well established that earthquakes can trigger or be triggered by other natural processes, including other earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, ice movement, volcanism, and extreme weather events and other cyclic forces such as tides, annual variations in atmospheric pressures and ground waters. However, identifying and understanding the physical mechanism, frequency, time delays and control factors of different earthquake related triggering relationships remains challenging. In this session, we welcome contributions that address, quantify, compare and model triggering relationships between earthquakes and between earthquakes and other natural hazards observed over timescales ranging from seconds to years in different tectonic regions. We aim to provide a platform for discussing potential earthquake-related triggering mechanisms and explore potential impacts of earthquakes and other natural hazards. We hope this session can provide new insights for estimating the likelihood of future damaging earthquakes and other natural hazards.

Abstract Deadline: Wednesday, 31 July at 23:59 EDT
Meeting Dates: 9 – 13 December 2019

If you have any questions regarding to this session, please contact us for further information. We are looking forward to receiving your contribution.

Shanshan Li
Postdoc Researcher in Geophysics
Department of Earth and Environment,
Florida International University
email: shli<at>

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