Dear Colleagues:
Please consider submitting an abstract to our special session on seafloor instrumentation advances, to be convened at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco.
Session details:
OS003 - Advances in Seafloor Instrumentation
The pace of technological advances across all disciplines of geophysical data acquisition has accelerated in recent years. Such advances as fiber-optic seismic waveform reconstruction, miniaturized pressure sensors, robotic sensor deployment, and data extraction techniques and leveraging of power and processing methods designed for space missions, have provided inspiration for enhanced ocean-bottom sensing for seismic, acoustic, pressure, current, turbidity and chemical signatures. In this session we invite contributions that cover sensor design, on-board processing, innovative data retrieval techniques and research results arising from recent technological advances, as well as updates on existing and proposed seafloor monitoring systems across all geophysical and oceanographic disciplines.
Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bruce M. Howe, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Susan L. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Jerome Aucan, Institut de Recherche pur le Developpement
Index terms: 1222: Ocean monitoring with geodetic techniques; 4564: Tsunamis and storm surges; 4594: Instruments and techniques
SWIRL topic: Data and Rising Technologies
Reminder: Abstract submission deadline is early this year - July 13. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conveners.
Char, Bruce, Sue and Jerome
Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
EES-17, MS F-665
Seismologist, Geophysics Group
Geophysics Focus Lead, Center for Space and Earth Sciences
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486
"Never eat more than you can lift"
-------- Miss Piggy
************* Correspondence ***************
Please consider submitting an abstract to our special session on seafloor instrumentation advances, to be convened at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco.
Session details:
OS003 - Advances in Seafloor Instrumentation
The pace of technological advances across all disciplines of geophysical data acquisition has accelerated in recent years. Such advances as fiber-optic seismic waveform reconstruction, miniaturized pressure sensors, robotic sensor deployment, and data extraction techniques and leveraging of power and processing methods designed for space missions, have provided inspiration for enhanced ocean-bottom sensing for seismic, acoustic, pressure, current, turbidity and chemical signatures. In this session we invite contributions that cover sensor design, on-board processing, innovative data retrieval techniques and research results arising from recent technological advances, as well as updates on existing and proposed seafloor monitoring systems across all geophysical and oceanographic disciplines.
Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bruce M. Howe, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Susan L. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Jerome Aucan, Institut de Recherche pur le Developpement
Index terms: 1222: Ocean monitoring with geodetic techniques; 4564: Tsunamis and storm surges; 4594: Instruments and techniques
SWIRL topic: Data and Rising Technologies
Reminder: Abstract submission deadline is early this year - July 13. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conveners.
Char, Bruce, Sue and Jerome
Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
EES-17, MS F-665
Seismologist, Geophysics Group
Geophysics Focus Lead, Center for Space and Earth Sciences
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486
"Never eat more than you can lift"
-------- Miss Piggy
************* Correspondence ***************