Thread: job announcement: PhD and postdoc position at U Helsinki

Started: 2019-08-21 11:38:41
Last activity: 2019-08-21 11:38:41
The Institute of Seismology in the Department of Geosciences and
Geography at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science invites
applications for two positions:


As part of a research project funded by the Academy of Finland, the
successful candidates are expected to work on a seismic surface wave
imaging technique in the context of large-N or dense seismic array data.
The project involves collaboration with researchers in France (Grenoble,
Lyon, Paris) and Germany (Munich). The aim is to study the resolution
limits of refocusing surface wavefields using theoretical work and
numerical wave propagation tools, and to apply the newly developed
techniques to seismological (AlpArray, USArray) and industrial (mining)
data sets. We invite applications from candidates with a background in
seismology, physics, acoustics, computer science or other related fields
who are skilled in data analysis, programming, and scientific computing.

For more information on the position please contact Associate Professor
Gregor Hillers (gregor.hillers(at)

Please follow this link for more information (e.g., application
deadline) and for the submission of an application:

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