Thread: sac cannot write to NFS mountpoints

Started: 2019-09-06 05:39:05
Last activity: 2019-09-10 06:45:37
Topics: SAC Help
Philipp Kästli
2019-09-06 05:39:05
My SAC installation under Ubuntu Linux cannot write to NFS (v3, different versions) mounts - independently of the access right of the user
The write command fails with the following error message:

ERROR 101: opening file /nfs/something/bla.sac (Insufficient access rights.)

The file is actually created, but without file rights set, and it remains empty...:
---------- 1 myself mygroup 0 Sep 6 05:45 bla2.sac

And yes, the problem exists only with sac. Writing from other programs (same user, same share) works flawlessly

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, Philipp

  • Milton Plasencia
    2019-09-10 06:45:37

    I wrote on nfs mount dir from sac on CentOS 7 (server and client) without problems,
    As noted by sac command you have a permissions problem..also me gave the same ERROR 101 when I try write
    On my mounted home dir (/mnt/remote/home), but when I try write on my “user” mounted /mnt/remote/home/milton dir all is OK.

    ——test fail
    [milton@pcasain7 ~]$ sac
    SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [05/02/2014 (Version 101.6a)]
    Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California

    SAC> funcgen
    SAC> w /mnt/236/home/test.sac
    ERROR 101: opening file /mnt/236/home/test.sac (Insufficient access rights.)
    SAC> q

    ——test OK
    [milton@pcasain7 ~]$ sac
    SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [05/02/2014 (Version 101.6a)]
    Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California

    SAC> funcgen
    SAC> w /mnt/236/home/milton/test.sac
    SAC> q
    [milton@pcasain7 ~]$ ls -l /mnt/236/home/milton/test.sac
    -rw-rw-rw-. 1 milton milton 1032 Sep 10 06:29 /mnt/236/home/milton/test.sac



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
    OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
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    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On 9 Sep 2019, at 18:13, Philipp Kästli <kaestli<at>> wrote:

    My SAC installation under Ubuntu Linux cannot write to NFS (v3, different versions) mounts – independently of the access right of the user
    The write command fails with the following error message:

    ERROR 101: opening file /nfs/something/bla.sac (Insufficient access rights.)

    The file is actually created, but without file rights set, and it remains empty…:
    ---------- 1 myself mygroup 0 Sep 6 05:45 bla2.sac

    And yes, the problem exists only with sac. Writing from other programs (same user, same share) works flawlessly

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance, Philipp

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