Thread: Nominations Sought for the IRIS Board of Directors

Started: 2019-09-09 13:12:27
Last activity: 2019-09-09 13:12:27
Bob Detrick
2019-09-09 13:12:27
Elections for important positions on the IRIS Board of Directors will be held during the Annual IRIS Membership Meeting in San Francisco, on Monday evening, December 9, 2019. This year, elections will be held for Board Chair and two Director positions, each with a term of three years.

All Member Representatives are encouraged to contact the Nominations Committee to provide suggestions, including self-nominations, for candidates for these open positions. NOTE: Potential candidates for these Board positions must be sent to the Nomination Committee by Monday, September 30.

The Board-appointed Nominations Committee consists of one current Board member and three community members:

Doug Wiens (Chair)
Washington University in St. Louis
doug<at> <doug<at>>

Karen Fischer
Brown University
karen_fischer<at> <karen_fischer<at>>

Linday Lowe Worthingon
University of New Mexico
lworthington<at> <lworthington<at>>
Andrew Newman
Georgia Tech
anewman<at> <anewman<at>>
The Directors whose terms expire this year are:

Doug Wiens
Zhigang Peng
Donna Shillington

As described in the elections procedures of the By Laws, the Nominations Committee "shall prepare a slate of one or more nominees for each Director position to be filled." Ballots with a list of candidates and details on the voting procedure will be sent to all Members Representatives no later than Friday, November 15. Results of the election will be announced during the Fall AGU Meeting, following the Annual IRIS Membership Meeting on December 9.

Continuing Directors are:

Charles Ammon (2021)
Rick Aster (2021)
Samantha Hansen (2020)
Vera Schulte-Pelkum (2020)
Susan Schwartz (2021)
Clifford Thurber, Vice Chair (2020)

A list of current IRIS committees and their members can be found at

Thank you for your continued involvement in the activities of your Consortium.

Bob Detrick
IRIS President
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