Thread: IRIS begins President's Search

Started: 2019-10-22 10:34:19
Last activity: 2019-10-22 10:34:19
Marlo Swanson
2019-10-22 10:34:19
In August, IRIS President Robert Detrick and Board Chair Doug Wiens announced the
Fall start of a process to search for a new President for IRIS.

The President of IRIS represents the passion of its member seismologists and has the
opportunity to make a transformational impact on Earth science research and
education. We seek an energetic, creative, visionary individual to provide leadership at
IRIS to continue to explore new fields and push new limits in seismological and Earth
science research.

To find out more about this exciting opportunity please see a more in-depth position
description which may be found at

Requests for additional information should be directed to Professor Charles J. Ammon,
Chair, IRIS President Search Committee, hr<at>

Application and Nomination Process
Applications should include a full vita; a statement describing the applicant’s vision for
IRIS for the immediate term and for the period beyond the 2023 expiration of the current
SAGE2 cooperative agreement; a statement addressing past and/or potential
contributions to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the names and contact
information of three references. Applications and nominations will be accepted until a
new President is selected. For optimal consideration, interested parties are encouraged
to apply by 15 December 2019 at the address below.

Presidential Search Committee c/o IRIS
1200 New York Avenue, NW

Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005

Search Committee *
Charles J. Ammon (Committee Chair)
Rick Aster
Jeffrey Freymueller
Samantha Hansen
Thorne Lay
Vera Schulte-Pelkum
Chad Trabant
*appointed by the IRIS BoD

We welcome suggestions and recommendations about this position. Please feel free to
contact members of the Search Committee or IRIS Human Resources, hr<at> <hr<at>>
Marlo Swanson
Business Operations & Human Resources Manager
O: 202.407.7011
C: 703.203.8389

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