Thread: USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral Fellowship: Using ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) data for natural hazard studies

Started: 2019-10-24 17:21:55
Last activity: 2019-10-24 17:21:55

*USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral Fellowship Research Opportunity:* *Using
ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) data for natural hazard studies, **USGS
Woods Hole, MA*

We seek a postdoctoral scientist with a background in passive seismology to
work with experienced geophysicists at the USGS in Woods Hole, MA and other
USGS offices on problems related to natural hazard assessment in the marine
environment. This two-year position is at the GS-12 grade level with a
possibility for extension. Detailed seismic observations of subduction-zone
related processes, including major hazards such as great subduction
earthquakes, tsunamis, and island volcanic eruptions, require the use of
ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) for accurate imaging and detailed
earthquake localization. Passive margins like the U.S. Atlantic, the North
Slope of Alaska, and the Gulf of Mexico, host major oil, gas, and hydrate
reservoirs and are prone to submarine slope failures and potentially
landslide-generated tsunamis. Shear-wave measurements, which can only be
recorded directly by on-bottom instruments, provide valuable in situ
constraints on mechanical properties of marine sediments, enabling us, for
example, to model forearc deformation and tsunami generation during large
subduction earthquakes, assess the potential for submarine slope failures,
and measure natural gas hydrate concentrations. The advent of passive
seismological techniques such as beam forming, seafloor compliance, and
ambient noise imaging provide new tools to analyze data and learn new
information about the seafloor and the hazards it contains. The USGS Woods
Hole Science Center (WHSC), located within the campus of the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), owns many of the short-period OBS in the
academic fleet, and two intermediate-period seismographs, and has access to
additional intermediate-period seismographs. It maintains a close working
and technical relationship with the National OBS facility (OBSIC) located
at WHOI. The USGS is also building jointly with WHOI a new fleet of
lightweight, state-of-the-art OBS for rapid-response capability in response
to earthquakes and volcanic events. Data from these short-term
rapid-response deployments will also be available for analysis. In the
immediate term, this Mendenhall post-doctoral position provides an
opportunity to conduct independent innovative research on two existing
passive seismology data sets collected by the OBS and to participate in the
collection of new data sets.

Potential candidates can view the full project information at

Applicants are encouraged to contact the research advisors listed in the
project description and discuss potential postdoc project ideas. Preference
is given to U.S. citizens. Applications must be submitted through at:

Closing date for applications is January 6, 2020.


Dr. Uri S. ten Brink
Research Geophysicist
U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods hole, MA 02543 USA
+1 508-457-2396 utenbrink<at>
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth

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