Institution: Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis
Open Until: 2019-11-04
University postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information,
University of Memphis
A postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Memphis is available at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) for one year with potential extension for two additional years contingent on performance and availability of funding. CERI brings together faculty and researchers with a wide variety of expertise from seismology and geodesy to geodynamics and fluid dynamics. As a center of excellence, CERI operates the
largest seismic network in the Central and Eastern United States and has many interdisciplinary research partners in the U.S. and overseas.
CERI is interested in a creative scientist who can contribute to one or more new research initiatives at the Center that include laboratory studies of earthquake physics, rupture
dynamic modeling, induced seismicity, fault hydrology, physical properties of the crust, space geodesy, and observational seismology. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in at least one of these areas. A strong experimental and/or computational background is preferred. The candidate needs to be have an authorization to work in the U.S. and is requested to verify Ph.D. completion in geophysics, seismology or a related discipline within 2 ½ months after being hired.
Applicants should upload ( a list of three references (email and phone number), statement of research interest (1-page max.), CV and three exemplary publications by November 4th. This position will begin no later than November 15th. Questions may be referred to either Dr. Goebel (thgoebel<at> or Dr. Kyriakopoulos (christos.k<at>, subject line: ‘UofM Postdoc Fellowship’. Applications can be submitted online at:
The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Open Until: 2019-11-04
University postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information,
University of Memphis
A postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Memphis is available at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) for one year with potential extension for two additional years contingent on performance and availability of funding. CERI brings together faculty and researchers with a wide variety of expertise from seismology and geodesy to geodynamics and fluid dynamics. As a center of excellence, CERI operates the
largest seismic network in the Central and Eastern United States and has many interdisciplinary research partners in the U.S. and overseas.
CERI is interested in a creative scientist who can contribute to one or more new research initiatives at the Center that include laboratory studies of earthquake physics, rupture
dynamic modeling, induced seismicity, fault hydrology, physical properties of the crust, space geodesy, and observational seismology. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in at least one of these areas. A strong experimental and/or computational background is preferred. The candidate needs to be have an authorization to work in the U.S. and is requested to verify Ph.D. completion in geophysics, seismology or a related discipline within 2 ½ months after being hired.
Applicants should upload ( a list of three references (email and phone number), statement of research interest (1-page max.), CV and three exemplary publications by November 4th. This position will begin no later than November 15th. Questions may be referred to either Dr. Goebel (thgoebel<at> or Dr. Kyriakopoulos (christos.k<at>, subject line: ‘UofM Postdoc Fellowship’. Applications can be submitted online at:
The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.