Hello SACexperts!
I'm trying to get SAC header info from a large number of data files and I
need some consistent formatting of the blackboard variables that are
output. So, for example, I use:
rh BK.HUMO..BH.2004.
setbb slon &1,stlo&
setbb slat &1,stla&
setbb sname &1,kstnm&
getbb TO stations.gmt names off newline off slon slat sname
which results in:
-122.96 42.607 HUMO
Fine. But, I'd like to extract the complete station lon/lat stored in the
header, which is actually:
FILE: BK.HUMO..BH.2004. - 1
STLA = 4.260710e+01
STLO = -1.229567e+02
Other SAC header info getbb calls return all the stored decimal digits but
report in (undesirable) scientific notation:
-1.163647e+02 4.580190e+01 W30
Is there a way to control the getbb output formatting?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
R. M. Russo
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Geological Science
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA
+1 352 392 6766
+1 352 392 9294 fax
rrusso<at>ufl.edu for all University of Florida business
rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com for all other contacts
I'm trying to get SAC header info from a large number of data files and I
need some consistent formatting of the blackboard variables that are
output. So, for example, I use:
rh BK.HUMO..BH.2004.
setbb slon &1,stlo&
setbb slat &1,stla&
setbb sname &1,kstnm&
getbb TO stations.gmt names off newline off slon slat sname
which results in:
-122.96 42.607 HUMO
Fine. But, I'd like to extract the complete station lon/lat stored in the
header, which is actually:
FILE: BK.HUMO..BH.2004. - 1
STLA = 4.260710e+01
STLO = -1.229567e+02
Other SAC header info getbb calls return all the stored decimal digits but
report in (undesirable) scientific notation:
-1.163647e+02 4.580190e+01 W30
Is there a way to control the getbb output formatting?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
R. M. Russo
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Geological Science
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA
+1 352 392 6766
+1 352 392 9294 fax
rrusso<at>ufl.edu for all University of Florida business
rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com for all other contacts
Hi Ray,
One work around would be to use the saclst utlitiy distributed with SAC
together with awk that gives you better control over formatting. The
downside is that you might have to execute saclst outside of SAC if you are
using awk.
e.g. to print out station latitude and great circle arc of a file named
my_file.SAC to stations.gmt with 3 decimal points
saclst stla gcarc f my_file.SAC | awk '{ printf("%.3f %.3f\n",$2,$3)}' >
48.000 1.372
Januka Attanayake
Research Fellow | Earthquake Seismology
Homepage: *https://sites.google.com/site/janukaattanayake
School of Earth Sciences | McCoy Bldg. 200
University of Melbourne | Parkville 3010 VIC
On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 at 06:49, Ray Russo <rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com> wrote:
Hello SACexperts!
I'm trying to get SAC header info from a large number of data files and I
need some consistent formatting of the blackboard variables that are
output. So, for example, I use:
rh BK.HUMO..BH.2004.
setbb slon &1,stlo&
setbb slat &1,stla&
setbb sname &1,kstnm&
getbb TO stations.gmt names off newline off slon slat sname
which results in:
-122.96 42.607 HUMO
Fine. But, I'd like to extract the complete station lon/lat stored in the
header, which is actually:
FILE: BK.HUMO..BH.2004. - 1
STLA = 4.260710e+01
STLO = -1.229567e+02
Other SAC header info getbb calls return all the stored decimal digits but
report in (undesirable) scientific notation:
-1.163647e+02 4.580190e+01 W30
Is there a way to control the getbb output formatting?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
R. M. Russo
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Geological Science
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA
+1 352 392 6766
+1 352 392 9294 fax
rrusso<at>ufl.edu for all University of Florida business
rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com for all other contacts
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Dear All -
awk is a useful reformatting tool. In SAC, this also works with the version of SAC described in the SAC book (SAC/BRIS):
SAC> fg seismogram
SAC> sc to bbvar echo &1,stla& &1,stlo& | awk '{printf "@%7.2f @%7.2f",@$1,@$2}'
SAC> message "%bbvar%"
48.00 -120.00
Change the awk command and you can get any header variable in any format you want.
The SYSTEMCOMMAND command will put its output directly into a blackboard variable; multi-line output may be parsed, like in the Unix shell, with SAC’s WHILE READ command. (Note the @ escapes needed to prevent SAC from interpreting the awk grammatical elements.)
On 30 Oct 2019, at 04:48, Ray Russo <rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com> wrote:
George Helffrich
Hello SACexperts!
I'm trying to get SAC header info from a large number of data files and I need some consistent formatting of the blackboard variables that are output. So, for example, I use:
rh BK.HUMO..BH.2004.
setbb slon &1,stlo&
setbb slat &1,stla&
setbb sname &1,kstnm&
getbb TO stations.gmt names off newline off slon slat sname
which results in:
-122.96 42.607 HUMO
Fine. But, I'd like to extract the complete station lon/lat stored in the header, which is actually:
FILE: BK.HUMO..BH.2004. - 1
STLA = 4.260710e+01
STLO = -1.229567e+02
Other SAC header info getbb calls return all the stored decimal digits but report in (undesirable) scientific notation:
-1.163647e+02 4.580190e+01 W30
Is there a way to control the getbb output formatting?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
R. M. Russo
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Geological Science
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA
+1 352 392 6766
+1 352 392 9294 fax
rrusso<at>ufl.edu <rrusso<at>ufl.edu> for all University of Florida business
rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com <rmrusso2010<at>gmail.com> for all other contacts
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