Thread: IGNITE-Future Faculty Development Program

Started: 2019-11-19 12:53:31
Last activity: 2019-11-19 12:53:31
2019-11-19 12:53:31
IGNITE-Future Faculty Development Program
William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA)
March 22-24, 2020
All expenses paid workshop

IGNITE provides participants with the opportunity for professional development, and to have candid discussions with department heads, deans, and early career faculty members about life in academia. As a part of the experience, participants will be offered opportunities to tour campus and research facilities, meet with current faculty to gain a greater awareness of research and teaching opportunities, discuss their career prospects and academic work, attend workshops, and present a job talk.

Post-docs and ABD candidates with research interests in sedimentology, stratigraphy, mineralogy, petrology, data science, geoengineering, or geophysics are especially encouraged to apply.

William & Mary is a public liberal arts and sciences research university, located in Williamsburg, Virginia, with nationally ranked undergraduate, graduate, professional programs, as well as select online programs. W&M is the second oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and combines the best features of an undergraduate college with the opportunities afforded by a modern research university. Its moderate size, dedicated faculty and staff, highly-motivated students, and distinctive history give William & Mary a unique character among public institutions, and create a learning environment that fosters close interaction among students and their faculty mentors.

IGNITE Program Objectives:
- Enhance William & Mary's faculty pipeline by establishing and developing significant meaningful relationships with prospects, especially those from groups underrepresented in the professoriate, with a focus on historically underrepresented minorities in the United States.
- Provide the opportunity for participants to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and rewards of a faculty career.
- Develop a network of emerging scholars in priority research areas who could be candidates for current and future vacancies at William & Mary.

Participants are also expected to:
- Be a graduate student or post-doctoral scholar seeking a faculty position at a research intensive institution;
- Demonstrate career goals, research interests, and academic potential that align with William & Mary's mission and programs;
- Be able to meaningfully contribute to the university's continuing commitment to diversity and inclusive excellence as reflected by click (The Office of Diversity and Inclusion).

The IGNITE application will be available on January 1, 2020.
For more information or questions, please contact Dr. Rowan Lockwood, Chair of W&M Geology via email (rxlock<at>

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